Hi, we ran into an issue with Smartclient 12.1 PowerEdition. We were using recordComponentPoolingMode="recycle" and set grid.recordComponentPosition="within". The issue we see is that when components are stored in the component pool in recycle mode, they are getting stored with "embeddedPosition"=null rather than "within". As a result of that, the updateHeightForEmbeddedComponents() method is returning a height that is too large because getMaxEmbeddedComponentHeight() method call is returning a details objects that reports allWithin:false.
Is that by design to store components in the pool with embeddedPosition=null even if we explicitly set grid.recordComponentPositon="within" and set embeddedPosition="within" directly on the component when it is first created? Also, it seems like getMaxEmbeddedComponentHeight should treat a null or missing value for embeddedPosition as the default of "within"
For now, we've switched to "viewport" mode to avoid this issue, but we'd like to consider using "recycle" mode if there is a way to configure this so the components in the pool maintain the embeddedPosition="within" properly.
Is that by design to store components in the pool with embeddedPosition=null even if we explicitly set grid.recordComponentPositon="within" and set embeddedPosition="within" directly on the component when it is first created? Also, it seems like getMaxEmbeddedComponentHeight should treat a null or missing value for embeddedPosition as the default of "within"
For now, we've switched to "viewport" mode to avoid this issue, but we'd like to consider using "recycle" mode if there is a way to configure this so the components in the pool maintain the embeddedPosition="within" properly.