Hi Isomorphic,
I'm using v12.1p_2021-06-05, and I have a problem when setting the global attribute of firstDayOfWeek.
When showing a DateChooser that was initiated by a DateItem -
1. We cannot see the title of the last day of week
2. The selected date is not displayed as selected
This also happens in your showcase site, with the latest build (2021-06-28):
I used the above link, with this modified code:
and I got this result:

I would appreciate your help
I'm using v12.1p_2021-06-05, and I have a problem when setting the global attribute of firstDayOfWeek.
When showing a DateChooser that was initiated by a DateItem -
1. We cannot see the title of the last day of week
2. The selected date is not displayed as selected
This also happens in your showcase site, with the latest build (2021-06-28):
I used the above link, with this modified code:
isc.DateUtil.setFirstDayOfWeek(1); isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "dateForm", numCols: 4, width: 650, fields: [ {name:"pickListDate", title:"PickList Date", type:"date", change:"dateLabel.setContents(value)", wrapTitle:false}, {name:"directInputDate", title:"Direct Input Date", type:"date", useTextField:true, wrapTitle:false, change:"dateLabel.setContents(value)"} ] }); isc.Label.create({ ID: "dateLabel", top: 40, left: 100, width: 450 }); dateLabel.setContents(dateForm.getValue('pickListDate'));
I would appreciate your help