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    hoverDelay on FormItem

    Hi there,
    we are using the prompts on nearly every item, so the hoverDelay is set to 1.5 seconds for not annoying the users.
    Also we use "setFieldErrors" to mark FormItems in a DynamicForm with errors.
    Our problem is that most users not recognize the default error (the exclamation mark) and dont hover them (and wait wait on them) to see the error message displayed.
    Sure we can set the hoverDelay for the FormItem to 0, so the error message in the prompt is dsplayed instantly by mouse over,
    but if we decrease the hoverdelay for the FormItem, the prompt for the filed and the label is also displayed immediatly.
    Is there a chance to set the hoverDelay only for the fielderros? is something like this planned?

    Best Regards

    Setting hoverDelay to 0 would not result in always-showing errors, just immediate hovers.

    Use showErrorStyle to choose between different ways of displaying errors.

