Using data in example isomorphic/system/reference/SmartClient_Explorer.html#tilingFilter,
Build v8.2p_2013-03-26/PowerEdition Development Only (built 2013-03-26)
Run the testcase (I used Firefox 12 to test). Select "Endangered Status" as "Not Endangered" - the tile grid list will update. Click on "TEST FETCH". You'll see the list will update to the original data. Repeat the steps but instead of clicking TEST FETCH, click on TEST INVALIDATE. You'll notice the list does not update to the original - is invalidateCache supported for tilegrid? Seems to work for listgrids but I can't get my tilegrid to re-fetch unless I call fetchData.
Build v8.2p_2013-03-26/PowerEdition Development Only (built 2013-03-26)
Run the testcase (I used Firefox 12 to test). Select "Endangered Status" as "Not Endangered" - the tile grid list will update. Click on "TEST FETCH". You'll see the list will update to the original data. Repeat the steps but instead of clicking TEST FETCH, click on TEST INVALIDATE. You'll notice the list does not update to the original - is invalidateCache supported for tilegrid? Seems to work for listgrids but I can't get my tilegrid to re-fetch unless I call fetchData.
isc.VStack.create({ width:500, membersMargin:20, members:[ isc.TileGrid.create({ autoDraw:false, ID:"boundList", tileWidth:150, tileHeight:205, height:400, showAllRecords:true, dataSource:"animals", autoFetchData:true, animateTileChange:true, fields: [ {name:"picture"}, {name:"commonName", cellStyle: "commonName"}, {name:"lifeSpan", formatCellValue: "return 'Lifespan: ' + value;"}, { name:"status", getCellStyle: function (value, field, record, viewer) { if (value == "Endangered") return "endangered"; else if (value == "Threatened") return "threatened"; else if (value == "Not Endangered") return "notEndangered"; else return viewer.cellStyle; } } ] }), isc.DynamicForm.create({ autoDraw:false, isGroup:true, groupTitle:"Search", ID:"boundForm", numCols:"6", dataSource:"animals", autoFocus:false, fields: [ {name:"commonName"}, {name:"lifeSpan" , title: "Max Life Span", editorType: "slider", minValue:1, maxValue:60, defaultValue:60, height:50, operator: "lessThan" }, {name:"status", operator: "equals", allowEmptyValue: true, emptyDisplayValue: "(Any)"} ], itemChanged: "boundList.fetchData(this.getValuesAsCriteria());" }), isc.DynamicForm.create({ autoDraw:false, ID:"sortForm", isGroup:true, groupTitle:"Sort", numCols:"6", autoFocus:false, itemChanged: function(item, newValue, oldValue) { var sortVal = this.getValue("sortBy"); var sortDir = this.getValue("chkSortDir"); if (sortVal), sortDir); }, fields: [ { name:"sortBy", title:"Sort by", type:"select", valueMap: { "commonName" : "Animal", "lifeSpan" : "Life Span", "status" : "Endangered Status" } }, {name:"chkSortDir", title:"Ascending", type:"checkbox"} ] }), isc.HLayout.create({ autoDraw:false, membersMargin:10, height: 22, members:[ isc.IButton.create( { title:"Filter", click:"boundList.fetchData(boundForm.getValuesAsCriteria());", autoFit:true } ), isc.IButton.create( { title:"Clear", click:"boundList.fetchData();boundForm.clearValues();sortForm.clearValues();", autoFit:true } ) ] }) ] }); isc.Button.create({title:"TEST FETCH", top: 200, left: 600, click: function(){boundList.fetchData();}}) isc.Button.create({title:"TEST INVALIDATE", top: 500, left: 600, click: function(){boundList.invalidateCache();}})