Hi there, we are getting notified of this error and thought you would want to know. Here is a patch:
To re-create, go to https://www.smartclient.com/smartcli...finedHilitesFS and click Edit Hilites and then click on a Field to add a new clause and then place mouse over the remove icon and you'll see an error in your dev console because fb.clauses does not exist.
isc.FilterClause.getPrototype().addProperties({ removeButtonDefaults : { _constructor:isc.ImgButton, width:18, height:18, layoutAlign:"center", src:"[SKIN]/actions/remove.png", showRollOver:false, showDown:false, click: function () { this.creator.remove(); }, getHoverHTML : function () { var fb = this.creator.creator; // show a different message if this is the last clause and allowEmpty is false //add a null check on fb.clauses if (!fb.allowEmpty && fb.clauses!=null && fb.clauses.length == 1){ return fb.lastClausePrompt; } return this.prompt; } } }