Hi there, we are seeing errors generated in our production application using Smartclient 12.1 because there are a series of functions that are not checking to ensure that record is not null in ISC_Grids.js for the methods below related to embedded components. There is one method below (getRecordComponents) that does check for a null record. But, the others below do not. We can add patches for all of these on our own. But, I'm just trying to be a good neighbor and recommending you add these simple checks to your code. Sorry, I do not have time to provide test cases for all of these. So, if you choose to ignore my help, that's your prerogative
_setExpanded : function (record, value) { record[this._$expandedPrefix + this.ID] = value; }, _getExpandedRows : function () { return this.data.findAll(this._$expandedPrefix + this.ID, true); }, _$hasExpansionComponentPrefix:"_hasExpansionComponent_", _hasExpansionComponent : function (record) { return record[this._$hasExpansionComponentPrefix + this.ID]; }, _setExpansionComponent : function (record, value) { record[this._$hasExpansionComponentPrefix + this.ID] = value; }, _$embeddedComponentsPrefix:"_embeddedComponents_", _hasEmbeddedComponents : function (record) { var ids = record[this._$embeddedComponentsPrefix + this.ID]; return (ids != null && ids.length > 0); }, _getEmbeddedComponents : function (record) { // Convert array of IDs into an array of component references var ids = record[this._$embeddedComponentsPrefix + this.ID], components = [] ; if (!ids) return null; for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { components[i] = isc.Canvas.getById(ids[i]); } return components; }, _setEmbeddedComponents : function (record, value) { record[this._$embeddedComponentsPrefix + this.ID] = value; }, _addEmbeddedComponent : function (record, component) { if(!record[this._$embeddedComponentsPrefix + this.ID]) { record[this._$embeddedComponentsPrefix + this.ID] = []; } if (!record[this._$embeddedComponentsPrefix + this.ID].contains(component.getID())) { record[this._$embeddedComponentsPrefix + this.ID].add(component.getID()); } }, _removeEmbeddedComponent : function (record, component) { var ids = record[this._$embeddedComponentsPrefix + this.ID]; if (ids == null) return; if (ids.length == 0) { record[this._$embeddedComponentsPrefix + this.ID] = null; return; } ids.remove(component.getID()); if (ids.length == 0) { record[this._$embeddedComponentsPrefix + this.ID] = null; } }, _deleteEmbeddedComponents : function (record, value) { delete record[this._$embeddedComponentsPrefix + this.ID]; }, _$recordComponentsPrefix:"_recordComponents_", _hasRecordComponents : function (record) { return (record && record[this._$recordComponentsPrefix + this.ID] != null); }, _getRecordComponents : function (record) { if (!record) return null; // Convert array of IDs into an array of component references var ids = record[this._$recordComponentsPrefix + this.ID], components = {} ; if (ids) { for (var key in ids) { if (ids[key].isNullMarker) { components[key] = ids[key]; } else { components[key] = isc.Canvas.getById(ids[key]); } } } return components; }, _addRecordComponent : function (record, fieldName, component) { if(!record[this._$recordComponentsPrefix + this.ID]) { record[this._$recordComponentsPrefix + this.ID] = {}; } if (component.isNullMarker) { record[this._$recordComponentsPrefix + this.ID][fieldName] = component; } else { record[this._$recordComponentsPrefix + this.ID][fieldName] = component.getID(); } }, _deleteRecordComponent : function (record, fieldName) { var ids = record[this._$recordComponentsPrefix + this.ID]; if (ids == null) return; if (isc.isAn.emptyObject(ids)) { record[this._$recordComponentsPrefix + this.ID] = null; return; } // Not per-cell - just use the special "no field" fieldName if (fieldName == null) fieldName = this._$noFieldString; delete ids[fieldName]; if (isc.isAn.emptyObject(ids)) { record[this._$recordComponentsPrefix + this.ID] = null; } },