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    Hover on Timline doesn't work anymore with 12.1 vs 11.1

    Hi there,
    It seems that in the latest 12.1 nightly (SmartClient v121p_2022-04-07_Pro) the hover on events in a timeline does not show correclty

    In the 11.1 (like this v11.1p_2021-02-19-Pro) this was the result:

    but with the latest nightly (v121p_2022-04-07_Pro)

    Code for reproduction (used in both screenshots)
        "ID": "theTimeline",
        "width": "700",
        "autoDraw": true,
        "height": "150",
        "overflow": "hidden",
        "hideUsingDisplayNone": false,
        "eventClick": function (p1, p2) {
                                            return false;
        "hoverWidth": 200,
        "getEventHoverHTML": function (event, eventWindow) {
            var result = "";
            if (event.showDate) {
                var beginDateString = event.startDate.toShortDate(this.dateFormatter, false);
                var endDateString = event.endDate.toShortDate(this.dateFormatter, false);
                var showEventTime = event.isTrip;
                result += beginDateString;
                if (showEventTime) {
                    result += " ";
                    result += isc.Time.toTime(event.startDate, this.timeFormatter, true);
                if (beginDateString != endDateString) {
                    result += " - ";
                    result += endDateString;
                } else if (showEventTime)
                    result += " - ";
                if (showEventTime) {
                    result += " ";
                    result += isc.Time.toTime(event.endDate, this.timeFormatter, true);
                result += "<BR><BR>";
            result += event.description;
            return result;
        "startDate": new Date(2022, 3, 4),
        "endDate": new Date(2022, 4, 1, 23, 59, 59),
                "unit": "week"
            }, {
                "unit": "day",
                "headerWidth": 45
        "showControlsBar": false,
        "showEventDescriptions": false,
                "name": "title",
                "title": "&nbsp",
                "type": "text",
                "canEdit": false,
                "escapeHTML": false,
                "shouldPrint": true,
                "editorProperties": {
                    "escapeHTML": false
                "hierarchyLevel": 0,
                "isOpen": false,
                "height": 30,
                "name": "One",
                "title": "test"
                        "lane": "One",
                        "isTrip": false,
                        "description": "aaaa",
                        "startDate": new Date(2022, 3, 15, 0, 0),
                        "eventStyleClass": "",
                        "backgroundColor": "#57A3F7",
                        "showDate": true,
                        "endDate": new Date(2022, 3, 15, 23, 59),
                        "name": "&nbsp"
    Best regards

    Thanks for the report. This is the result of a change some time ago which attempts to suppress hovers for events who's content isn't clipped.

    We'll look into what's going on in this particular case but, in the meantime, you can revert to the previous behavior of always showing hovers by setting Timeline.alwaysShowEventHovers: true.

