Hi Isomorphic,
please see the modified summariesJoin sample (v13.0p_2022-04-14):
This is what it looks like after a restart of the sample after editing the orderitems so that the 1st order has 2 items.
The count column in the top ListGrid is OK, but the description column only shows one Description (not two as expected) and also only in the 1st row, not in all rows, although the .ds.xml says:
Best regards
please see the modified summariesJoin sample (v13.0p_2022-04-14):
This is what it looks like after a restart of the sample after editing the orderitems so that the 1st order has 2 items.
The count column in the top ListGrid is OK, but the description column only shows one Description (not two as expected) and also only in the 1st row, not in all rows, although the .ds.xml says:
<field name="items" type="text" includeFrom="aggregationJoin_orderItem.itemDescription" includeSummaryFunction="concat" />
Best regards
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "orderList", dataSource: "aggregationJoin_order", width: 720, height: 300, showFilterEditor: true, alternateRecordStyles: true, autoFetchData: true, canEdit: true, canRemoveRecords: true, wrapHeaderTitles: true, wrapCells: true, sortField: "orderID", cellHeight: 40, headerSpans: [{ fields: ["itemCount", "items"], title: "Items" }], headerHeight: 65, fields: [ { name: "orderID", width: 90, title: "orderID"}, { name: "orderDate", width: 100, title: "Date" }, { name: "customerName", width: 180, title: "Customer" }, { name: "itemCount", width: 80, title: "Count" }, { name: "items", width: "*", title: "Description" } ] }); isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "orderItemList", dataSource: "aggregationJoin_orderItem", width: 720, height: 300, top: 310, showFilterEditor: true, alternateRecordStyles: true, autoFetchData: true, canEdit: true, sortField: "orderID", canRemoveRecords: true, fields: [ { name: "pk", width: 90, title: "PK", hidden:true}, { name: "orderID", width: 100, title: "orderID", canEdit:true}, { name: "itemDescription", width: 80, title: "Item description" }, { name: "quantity", width: "*", title: "Quantity" }, { name: "unitPrice", width: "*", title: "Unit price" } ] });