I'm trying to make a canvas where you can freeform draw anything but when I use the example in the showcase, the drawing seems to skip. Is there a way to show the make the drawing continuous? Thank you for your help.
var currentDrawLine = null, startPoint; var drawPane = isc.DrawPane.create({ autoDraw: false, width: "100%", height: "100%", backgroundColor: "#f0f0f0", click : function () { }, mouseMove : function () { startPoint = this.getDrawingPoint(); // Start a new DrawLine having a random line color. currentDrawLine = isc.DrawLine.create({ drawPane: this, autoDraw: true, lineWidth: 10, startLeft: startPoint[0], startTop: startPoint[1], endLeft: startPoint[0], endTop: startPoint[1] }); } }); isc.HLayout.create({ width: "100%", height: "100%", membersMargin: 10, members: [ isc.VLayout.create({ members:[ isc.Label.create({ contents:"Click to draw lines", align:"center", height:30 }), drawPane ] }) ] });