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    Generated Columns Filter Fields are slipping on The ListGrid problem


    We use List Grid with Automatic Generated Columns on reports .

    Our problem is first columns are seems good in left side but when we slightly scroll to right side via scroll bar, Column Filter Fields are confusing , slipping and breaks down as a below picture

    We use this functionallity all report screens, other screens works fine, but in this screen creates this problem. Our suspect about the problem this report has too many column may be plus 75 .

    Our using the below code it creates List grid and properties after that we get Data from .net controller (REST) and bind list grid with "setData" function .

    Click image for larger version

Name:	screen_1.PNG
Views:	128
Size:	88.3 KB
ID:	268733

    // This is our Generic Column Creation function for Our List Grids

    isc.defineClass("AxListGrid", isc.ListGrid);
    width: "100%",
    height: "100%",
    filterEditorHeight: 27,
    filterOnKeypress: true,
    canDragSelectText: true,
    showEmptyMessage: false,
    alternateRecordStyles: true,
    wrapHeaderTitles: true,
    autoFitHeaderHeights: true,
    canExpandMultipleRecords: false,
    showFilterEditor: true,
    showCustomScrollbars: false,
    showGridSummary: true,
    showAllColumns: true,
    filterLocalData: true,
    gridComponents: ["header", "filterEditor", "body", "summaryRow"],
    getHeaderContextMenuItems: function (fieldNum) {
    let grid = this;
    let menu = this.Super("getHeaderContextMenuItems", arguments);
    if (!grid.Identity)
    return menu;
    title: "<div style='color:darkblue;font-weight: bold;cursor:pointer'>Grid Ayarlarını Kaydet</div>",
    icon: "[SKINIMG]actions/save.png",
    click: function () {
    title: "<div style='color:darkblue;font-weight: bold;cursor:pointer'>Grid Ayarlarını Sil</div>",
    icon: "[SKINIMG]TransferIcons/delete.png",
    click: function () { ISC_DeleteGridSettings(grid); location.reload(); }
    return menu;

    // OurList Grid Creation code for this screen
    EX01000154_ListGrid1: function () {

    var gridId = "Client_RLotTakipMPalet_vwDetay";
    let gridColumns = GetGridColumnsNew(gridId);

    let dataProvider = isc.RestDataSource.create({
    ID: "dataProvider_EX01000154_ListGrid1",
    fields: gridColumns,
    dataURL: baseUrl + "EX01000154_GetList",

    //list grid
    let listGrid = isc.AxListGrid.create({
    ID: "listGrid_EX01000154_grid1",
    Identity: gridId,
    dataSource: dataProvider,
    canDragSelectText: true,
    fields: gridColumns,
    return listGrid;

    Could you please help us ?
    Thank you and Regards

    Attached Files

    Hello ihsan,

    First thing to do is make sure that you are using the most recent patched version of whatever product you are using (see

    If you still have an issue, let us know which specific version you are using, and which skin, and which specific browser(s) have this problem. Please re-test with a standard skin with no customizations. If you still have the issue, you should try to work toward a standalone test case, so we can reproduce the issue - otherwise we have no way to fix it (if indeed this is still an issue after trying the above).

