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    shared pool fragmentation with Oracle db

    Hello, as we're having some problem of shared pool fragmentation with Oracle db:

    ORA-04031: unable to allocate 12312 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","unknown object","KKSSP^2524","kglseshtTable")

    I wonder if and when SQLDataSource is *not* using bind variables (ie PreparedStatements), as it seems that this could lead to that problem (also an opinion on that would be welcome).

    For instance, when using Velocity? Other cases?

    We don’t generally use them as SmartClient UIs are so flexible that there generally is no meaningful way to cache parsed queries.

    However, we’ve never encountered this problem before, even in extremely high volume deployments, so we wouldn’t recommend starting down the path of looking at bind variables as the first troubleshooting step.


      Thanks for your quick reply and for the straightforward opinion.

      Actually the thesis is from our db administrators.
      Last edited by claudiobosticco; 1 Dec 2022, 09:24.

