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    Location of SmartGWT docs in SmartClient

    Hi Isomorphic,

    this might be a stupid question, but where do I find the SmartGWT serverds docs in the SmartClient Reference Docs? The search there does not show e.g. batchUploadOperationId.
    Same for the docs package, e.g. CustomQuerying.

    Thank you & Best regards

    We had to split the .ds.xml reference out for Java because they needed to be documented as attributes (there are no setters - these are just things you can set in .ds.xml).

    In our SmartClient Reference viewer, we have no such limitation, so the reference is combined.

    batchUploadOperationId and Custom Querying are in fact both present in the SmartClient Reference, for example:


      Hi Isomorphic,

      OK, then this seems to be an issue with the SmartClient Reference:
      Search for batchUploadOperationId in 12.1p (not hit, unexpected)
      Search for batchUploadOperationId in 13.0p (1 hit, expected)

      Search for Querying in 12.1p (many hits, but none for "Custom Querying Overview", unexpected)
      Search for Querying in 13.0p (many hits, top one for "Custom Querying Overview", expected)

      Versions of the online docs: v12.1p_2022-11-02, v13.0p_2022-11-02

      Apart from that, how does a SmartClient developer know, which attributes make sense on client only, server only, client and server?
      Of course sometimes you can best guess it easily, but shouldn't it also be in writing?

      Best regards


        #1 is expected - that's when the attribute became externally doc'd

        #2 is expected - these are search terms, and the results are responsive to those search terms

        In SmartClient, each attribute is documented with its server- and client-side effects (many have both).


          Hi Isomorphic,

          Thanks for the "valid for client and/or server"-explanation.

          Regarding the search I still think there is something off.
          #1 batchUploadOperationId was added in 11.0 (see version number 12.0 in SmartGWT docs link, no older SmartGWT docs online). And here the direct link into the 11.1 SmartClient Reference. The 11.1p search for the attribute name also does bring it up as a hit. So does the 11.0p search. So does the 12.0 search. Only the 12.1 search (linked edited) is different with no results.

          For #2 Custom Querying, this seems to be a even stranger case.
          It is in the 12.1 docs - see here above "Database Configuration Tools", but a click on it causes a JS exception.
          *11:36:11.682:MDN8:WARN:Log:TypeError: _1 is undefined
          Stack from error.stack:
          Also for "search terms", how can "Custom Querying Overview" have a score of 79 in 13.0p and be the 1st result by far and not even make it into the 12.1p results, even though it's the very title of the chapter?
          There must be something wrong in 12.1p.

          Best regards
          Last edited by Blama; 4 Nov 2022, 06:58.


            Hi Isomorphic,

            this seems to be working again in v12.1p_2022-11-08 (both, search is OK and the JS error is gone). Did you change anything?

            Best regards


              We deployed the latest build, but no specific change was made to fix that crash.


                Hi Isomorphic,

                that is really super strange. Did you see the js error and the non-working search as well?

                Best regards

