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    12.1p ListGrid filterRow SelectItem loads too much data

    Hi Isomorphic,

    please see this modified sample (v12.1p_2023-01-24).
    By default, the filterRow-SelectItem seems to load all data. I'm not sure this has been always the case, but I find it a bit weird.
    Also, setting dataFetchMode: "paged" does not seem to be able to affect this.
    In the response I always get startRow:0, endRow:3959, meaning all records have been loaded.

    Is the default behavior and the behavior with dataFetchMode: "paged" here really correct?

    Thank you & Best regards

        ID: "dsListGrid",
        width: "100%",
        height: "100%",
        autoFetchData: true,
        dataSource: "supplyItem",
        showFilterEditor: true,
        fields: [
            { name: "itemID", width: 60 },
                name: "itemName",
                filterEditorType: "SelectItem",
                filterEditorProperties: {
                    pickListHeight: 1000,
                    pickListCriteria: {
                        _constructor: "AdvancedCriteria",
                        operator: "and",
                        criteria: [{
                            fieldName: "itemID",
                            operator: "lessThan",
                            value: 10000
                    optionDataSource: "supplyItem",
                    // multiple: true,
                    defaultValue: null,
                    dataFetchMode: "paged"
            { name: "SKU" },
            { name: "category" },
            { name: "units" }

    Hi Isomorphic,

    sorry, please disregard the 2nd part of the post.
    pickListProperties: { dataFetchMode: "paged" }
    I can get the SelectItem to use paging.

    The remaining question is if the default of fetching all rows is on purpose.

    Best regards


      Upon further investigation, the reason paging is not active for your pickList is because it's incompatible with SelectItem.allowEmptyValue, which by default is true when a SelectItem appears in a FilterEditor. We're looking into making some improvements to allow paging in that case, but for now the workaround is to use separate "special values" in your SelectItem, like this

                  name: "itemName",
                  filterEditorType: "SelectItem",
                  filterEditorProperties: {
                      pickListHeight: 1000,
                      pickListCriteria: {
                          _constructor: "AdvancedCriteria",
                          operator: "and",
                          criteria: [{
                              fieldName: "itemID",
                              operator: "lessThan",
                              value: 10000
                      // show empty value separately
                      allowEmptyValue: false,
                      separateSpecialValues: true,
                      specialValues: [""],
                      optionDataSource: "supplyItem",
                      // multiple: true,
                      defaultValue: null,
                      dataFetchMode: "paged"
      Note that the reason allowEmptyValue is true by default in the FilterEditor is so you can clear the filter for the field.


        Hi Isomorphic,

        that explanation makes sense. I agree that a better default, that does not load all rows, would make sense here.

        If that change is difficult, this might be a quick win:
        It seems that allowEmptyValue is also true by default (and therefore paging disabled) when the SelectItem is multiple: true.
        I don't think this is necessary, as in a multiple: true SelectItem one can always select no entry. So setting multiple: true should not result in an automatic allowEmptyValue: true, like it does now.

        What do you think?

        Thank you & Best regards


          We agree. Thanks for the suggestion. We will be updating this shortly.

