Hi there
we are currently upgrading to smartclient 13.
We have noticed, that there seems to be a change in the enforceDate functionality.
Showing a disabled form which gets enabled later we have understand enforceDate that there are only valid dates or null.
In the lates nightly of 13.0 the field gets automatically filled without any interaction,while in smartclient 12 the null value did get shown.
This is a blocker because the default behaviour was changed.
isomorphic-v12.1p_2023-02-07 Pro
Best regards
we are currently upgrading to smartclient 13.
We have noticed, that there seems to be a change in the enforceDate functionality.
Showing a disabled form which gets enabled later we have understand enforceDate that there are only valid dates or null.
In the lates nightly of 13.0 the field gets automatically filled without any interaction,while in smartclient 12 the null value did get shown.
This is a blocker because the default behaviour was changed.
isomorphic-v12.1p_2023-02-07 Pro
isc.DynamicForm.create({ "ID": "testForm", "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "disabled": true, "autoFocus": false, "selectOnFocus": true, "readOnlyDisplay": "static", "fields": [{ "ID": "beginDateItem", "name": "beginDateItem", "title": "begin date", "type": "date", "textAlign": "left", "readOnlyDisplay": "static", "useTextField": true, "enforceDate": true } ], "values": { } })