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    Wrong calendar event height for long events

    Hi, I noticed an error calculating the height of an event, especially when the event is several hours long.
    In the attachment (screenshot from showcase) the green event should end at 19.30, but on the screen extends to about 19.45.
    I see the same problem in version 12.

    Best regards


    Click image for larger version

Name:	calendar.jpg
Views:	124
Size:	157.4 KB
ID:	269678
    Attached Files

    hi claudio

    We do see this mis-sizing issue on Windows, but only when browser-zoom is not 100% - can you confirm that's what you see?


    Isomorphic Support


      Hi, I see the mis-sizing when browser-zoom is not 100% or when the windows zoom is not 100% (in Start > Settings > Ease of Access > Display > Make everything bigger).

      I was not aware that I had windows zoom set at 125%; if I set the zoom level to 100% the height is correctly calculated.

      Best regards



        Hi Isomorphic,

        same for me. Problems on a 4K display with Windows zoom (but no browser zoom), no problems on a FullHD display with no zoom at all.

        Best regards


          hi guys,

          We've made a change to improve this mis-sizing behavior in vertical CalendarViews - as of tomorrow's builds, dated March 22 or later, you should find events sizing to within a pixel or so of ideal size with OS and/or browser zoom in effect.

          Note that you may still get events being mis-positioned in the Showcase in occasional circumstances - we see this too and it's likely due to internal behaviors in the special Showcase environment, since reloading the page corrects things, and we can't reproduce the issue outside of the Showcase. We may dig deeper into it but, in the meantime, if you retest and see a similar issue in the Showcase, it's known about, unless it persists across a full page reload or happens outside of the Showcase.


          Isomorphic Support
          Last edited by Isomorphic; 21 Mar 2023, 02:41.


            Hi Isomorphic,

            I can see the changes here (v12.1p_2023-03-22) and here (v13.0p_2023-03-22) for the event lengths. I can't see it here in 12.0 (still on v12.0p_2023-03-07, so I assume it wasn't ported back, not important for me).
            I tested with 4K, Win11, 250% system zoom, no browser zoom, FF111.

            A remaining issue I saw is that the red outline when resizing still has the same issue the events had before.
            Also, the 13.0p version does not show any data on start and you can't find the events even when switching weeks.

            Best regards


              hi Blama ,

              Thanks for the follow-up - it's true that we didn't port this change to 12.0, but we probably could if it becomes a problem.

              For the moment, we've fixed the 13.0 sample you mentioned (no startDate on the Calendar) for today's build, and we'll look into the drag-rectangle sizing.


              Isomorphic Support


                Hi Isomorphic,

                I can see the 13.0p sample is now also working correctly using v13.0p_2023-03-30. I'll wait for your answer regarding the drag-rectangle sizing and retest then.

                Best regards


                  Hi Isomorphic,

                  ah, the sample issue also applies to SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2023-03-30 (see here).

                  Best regards


                    Hi all,

                    the red outline problem should be fixed as well now, see here.

                    Best regards

