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    Upgrade smarclient version from 10.0 to 13.0 - problems

    I am upgrading a project in my company from smartclient version 10 to version 13.
    To begin, before purchasing the "pro" version, I downloaded the "eval" version: "13.0-p20230129".
    I updated the internal repository with the libraries from the downloaded version of smartclient.
    In the root maven pom file I left the previous dependency on "smartclient-tools", when I run the "clean install" command the build crashes with the following error:
    "Failed to execute goal on project xxxxx: Could not resolve dependencies for project xxxx:war:R3.0.7-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact com.isomorphic.smartclient.eval:smartclient-tools-resources:war:13.0-p20230129 in xxxxx (http://aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:80xx/nexus/...) -> [Help 1]".

    The jars are present among the folders of the eval version I downloaded, but "smartclient-tools-resources.war" is not.
    Where can I find "smartclient-tools-resources.war"?

    Thank you.
    Last edited by Enri_000; 27 Feb 2023, 09:36.

    We're not entirely clear on the process you're using here, but you probably shouldn’t be trying to "update the internal repository with the libraries in the downloaded version of smartclient”. Instead, run the isc-maven-plugin's install or deploy goals as documented (the WAR in question is created by the plugin during that process) to have the pro artifacts installed at the pro coordinates.

    This will resolve the issue you seem to be having with the transitive dependency on the tools overlay. You’ll then of course need to update your own project POM as appropriate to use the correct artifact coordinates by changing




      Thanks for the advice.

      I will preface this by saying that I have never done the upgrade or install of any version of smartclient, whoever did it before me is now no longer with the company. I am inexperienced and don't know how to proceed, I am carrying out the instructions of those who tried before me, and they too are no longer with the company.

      Before purchasing smartclient version 13 my company has instructed me to see if and how it is possible to upgrade to version 13 in an already started project.

      @Isomoprphic: I need to change the artifact coordinates from "eval" to "pro". Is it not possible to check how to upgrade using the "eval" version?
      Last edited by Enri_000; 13 Mar 2023, 02:25.


        Yes, it is possible to upgrade to version 13 in an already started project. That typically just means obtaining the new license, installing the new build to your repo, and changing the version number of the dependency in your project's pom.xml file. If you wanted to try with an Eval build first, then you'd also need to change your pom.xml to use the right groupId (and in some cases, the artifactId) as appropriate. When you were done with the experiment, you'd repeat the process for the Pro build.

        If you still don't know how to proceed, we might suggest starting here, following links for context as necessary.


          Hi @Isomoprhic.
          I have new information.

          Using the previous advice I arrived at this link:

          It shows the procedures suggested by my former colleague in the "Client integration" and "Server integration" sections.
          I followed the same procedures but in some cases my former colleague gave different directions.
          My company does not use the eclipse IDE but itelliJ.

          1) I have copied the isomorphic directory from the smartclientRuntime webroot to the webroot of the application.
          2) I have not performed the copy from WEB-INF/lib directory of the smartclientRuntime to my application WEB-INF/lib.
          This is performed during the build with maven. The jar files are uploaded via "Sonatype" repository.
          The repository is missing "smartclient-tools-resources.war".
          3) There is no copy of "log4j.isc.config.xml", it is not there in my application, there is "".
          4) The file "" is already there with useful information, not all the information mentioned in the link
          Could this be a problem?
          5) The "web.xml" file has not been modified.

          To get "smartclient-tools-resources.war," do I need to do any other operations?
          @Isomoprhic, you have already given me pointers, but as you may have guessed, unfortunately I am not an expert in sw architectures and can't figure out what is missing.
          Can the contents of some files also be needed?

          Thank you...for your patience


            The documentation you were directed to points out that the SDK Installation topic is for those who choose not to use Maven. Without knowing why your internally prepared instructions are based on that approach, or how they're different, or why, it's hard to suggest that you ignore them completely - but you should probably ignore them completely.

            Instead, follow the instructions we've already provided:

            Run the isc-maven-plugin's install or deploy goals as documented (the WAR in question is created by the plugin during that process) to have the pro artifacts installed at the pro coordinates.
            Note that you should not need to "copy the isomorphic directory from the smartclientRuntime webroot to the webroot of the application," assuming your application also depends on one of smartclient-pro, smartclient-eval, or smartclient-resources.


              Hi Isomorphic
              Thanks for the answer.

              In the instructions I read, " have the pro artifacts installed at the pro coordinates."
              I can use this link: "" for eval version?
              Last edited by Enri_000; 16 Mar 2023, 00:12.

