Hi Isomorphic,
please see this modified sample (v12.1p_2023-03-26).
As you can see filtering clientside only (test starting with y, all data loaded) is case sensitive, but serverside (refreshData()-Button click) is not.
For a test starting with a b (no full cache) the behavior is different.
I'm not sure if this is a HSQLDB collation issue/mismatch or a JS framework issue.
Best regards
please see this modified sample (v12.1p_2023-03-26).
As you can see filtering clientside only (test starting with y, all data loaded) is case sensitive, but serverside (refreshData()-Button click) is not.
For a test starting with a b (no full cache) the behavior is different.
I'm not sure if this is a HSQLDB collation issue/mismatch or a JS framework issue.
Best regards
isc.VStack.create({ membersMargin: 10, members: [ isc.IButton.create({ title: "refreshData()", click: function () { filterGrid.refreshData(); } }), isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "filterGrid", showFilterEditor:true, filterOnKeypress:true, width:550, height:300, alternateRecordStyles:true, dataSource: worldDS, sortField:"countryName", autoFetchData: true, fields: [ {name:"countryCode"}, {name:"countryName", filterOperator:"greaterOrEqual"}, {name:"capital"}, {name:"population"} ] }) ] });