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  • claudiobosticco
    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-03-30/AllModules Development Only (built 2024-03-30)

    I see that the crash from post #16 is fixed, thank you very much

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  • Isomorphic
    This latter crash report has been fixed - the grid in the expanded row was issuing a delayed refreshData() as a result of RuleContext changes and then being destroyed when it's parent-row was filtered out of the main grid.

    It's been fixed for tomorrow's builds, dated March 27 or later.

    implicitCriteria appears to be working as expected - the visible rows change when you change the searchForm, and they change in the opened-grids as well, if your change doesn't filter their parent-rows out of the view.

    We'll update shortly on the earlier reports.

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  • claudiobosticco
    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-03-25/AllModules Development Only (built 2024-03-25)

    Chrome on MacOS

    ok, actually I can reproduce it in the showcase:

        ID: "aSearchForm",
        fields: [
                name: "category", optionDataSource: "supplyItem",
                displayField: "category", valueField: "category",
                useUnselectedValues: false,
                toggleUseUnselectedValuesOnSelectAll: false,
                editorType: "SetFilterItem"
        ID: "categoryList",
        width: "100%", height: 500, top: 60,
        showFilterEditor: true,
        filterOnKeypress: true,
        searchForm: "aSearchForm",
        dataSource: supplyItem,
        autoFetchData: true,
        canExpandRecords: true,
        getExpansionComponent: function (record) {
            var countryGrid = isc.ListGrid.create({
                height: 224,
                dataSource: supplyItem,
                implicitCriteria: {
                    _constructor: "AdvancedCriteria",
                    operator: "and",
                    criteria: [
                        {fieldName: "category", operator: "inSet", valuePath: "aSearchForm.values.category"}
            var layout = isc.VLayout.create({
                padding: 5,
                members: [countryGrid]
            return layout;
    with a use case pretty similar to that in my application, even though in this sample the implicitCriteria doesn't seem to have an effect (I don't understand why) while in my actual code it works.

    The sequence to see the error is:
    - expand the first record
    - open the SetFilterItem
    - select "Adding Machine/calculator Roll"
    - select "Pastes and Gum"
    - deselect "AddingMachine/calculator Roll"

    and you'll see this error:

    19:31:58.689:TMR2:WARN:Log:TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getVisibleRows')
    Stack from error.stack:
        _3.eval(<no args: exited>) on[ListGrid ID:isc_ListGrid_0] @ [no file]:3:18
        Canvas.refreshData(<no args: exited>) on[ListGrid ID:isc_ListGrid_0] @ ISC_Core.js:5178:37
        null.<anonymous>(<no args: exited>) @ ISC_Grids.js:3542:338
        [c]Class.fireCallback(_1=>callback(), _2=>null, _3=>null, _4=>null, _5=>true) on [Class Timer] @ ISC_Core.js:330:252
        Timer._fireTimeout(_1=>"$ir1027", _2=>1114, _3=>undef) on [Class Timer] @ ISC_Core.js:2310:6
        null.<anonymous>() @ ISC_Core.js:2305:40
    Maybe I'm misusing something, as I also see several warnings.

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  • Isomorphic
    This looks like something that might have happened if the SetFilterItem was in the middle of some operation, and either the grid hosting it was destroyed, or the grid changed fields such that the SetFilterItem was no longer needed. Or some similar major upheaval happened, like hiding the entire FilterEditor.

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  • claudiobosticco
    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-03-22/Enterprise Deployment (built 2024-03-22)

    Chrome on MacOS

    while playing with a SearchForm with a SetFilterItem, used as a searchForm for a grid, I managed to get this error:

    18:07:39.942:TMR9:WARN:Log:TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getVisibleRows')
    Stack from error.stack:
        cons.eval(<no args: exited>) on[ListGrid ID:isc_ListGrid_1] @ [no file]:3:18
        cons.refreshData(<no args: exited>) on[ListGrid ID:isc_ListGrid_1] @ ISC_Core.js:122978:28
        null.<anonymous>(<no args: exited>) @ ISC_Grids.js:77695:14
        cons.fireCallback(callback=>callback(), argNames=>null, args=>null, target=>null, catchErrors=>true) on [Class Timer] @ ISC_Core.js:7670:36
        cons._fireTimeout(ID=>"_timeout2409", tmrID=>2428, delayedTmrID=>undef) on [Class Timer] @ ISC_Core.js:52116:10
        null.<anonymous>() @ ISC_Core.js:52025:19
    for now I don't know how to reproduce it, does the error alone says something to you?

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  • claudiobosticco
    Originally posted by claudiobosticco View Post
    Thanks. Will it be supported to use it as searchForm of a grid? I'm trying it, but I see some inconsistent behaviour.
    Actually in the showcase seems to work nicely, so I must check better in my application.

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  • claudiobosticco
    Thanks. Will it be supported to use it as searchForm of a grid? I'm trying it, but I see some inconsistent behaviour.

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  • Isomorphic
    hi Claudio - SetFilterItem and MultiPickerItem weren't being scaled with density - we've fixed both for tomorrow's builds, dated March 21 or later.
    Last edited by Isomorphic; 20 Mar 2024, 09:49.

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  • claudiobosticco
    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-03-19/AllModules Development Only (built 2024-03-19)

    Hello Isomorphic, while trying SetFilterItem for a FormItem in a DynamicForm, I noticed that its height is reduced in respect to a SelectItem (on the right):

    Click image for larger version

Name:	2024-03-20 17.56.22.jpg
Views:	134
Size:	26.5 KB
ID:	271912

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Remote Data Example
        top: 25,
        width: 500,
        numCols: 4,
        autoDraw: true,
        fields: [
            {name:"categoryName", title:"Category", editorType:"SetFilterItem",
             optionDataSource:"supplyCategory", changed:"form.clearValue('itemName');"
            {name: "itemName", title:"Item", editorType: "SelectItem",
             getPickListFilterCriteria : function () {
                var category = this.form.getValue("categoryName");
                return {category:category};
    Attached Files

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  • claudiobosticco
    Blama I didn't tried it before, now seems pretty good:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	2024-02-19 14.33.58.jpg
Views:	142
Size:	105.4 KB
ID:	271702
    Attached Files

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  • Blama
    Hi claudiobosticco,

    of course, but when I first tried it, it was nowhere ready designwise and I think Isomorphic is not ready for feedback yet, otherwise it would be in the samples.

    Best regards

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  • claudiobosticco
    Hi Blama, by the way, testing it seems simple as:

        ID: "supplyList",
        width:500, height:300, alternateRecordStyles:true,
        dataSource: supplyItem,
            {name:"category", filterEditorType: "SetFilterItem"}
        autoFetchData: true,
        showFilterEditor: true,
        filterOnKeypress: true,
        fetchDelay: 500

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  • Blama
    Hi Isomorphic,

    could you add the samples, so that one can give feedback here?

    Thank you & Best regards

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  • claudiobosticco
    +1 :)

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  • Blama
    Hi Isomorphic,

    could you add the samples, so that one can give feedback here?

    Thank you & Best regards

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