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    [13.0p] Dissapearing Scollbars in latest Firefox (113.0.2) in latest Release

    Hi there,
    We have several customers complaining that scrollbars disappear in list grids and tree grids. We can reproduce this behavior on some devices in the showcases eg. in
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image (2).png
Views:	195
Size:	26.5 KB
ID:	270235

    The scrollbars are appearing for about 1-2 seconds and after that the scollbars are vanished.
    THe Chrome-zoom is disabled (at 100%) and also the Windows-Zoom is standard at 100%.
    Could you please take a look at this problem?

    Best regards

    Hi SimonF,

    is this under Win11? I noticed it there as well in the 13.1d showcase (did not test 13.0p), but then this is a Windows version specific setting, I think.

    Best regards


      Yes it is Windows 11
      Click image for larger version

Name:	image (3).png
Views:	162
Size:	25.9 KB
ID:	270239


        Hi SimonF,

        OK, then I noticed the same issue (on my other computer with Win11 FF113, here I have Win10 FF113) and thought it's about 13.1d. But if it's also in 13.0p on Win11 this is not good.

        Perhaps you can disable this by setting Canvas default settings or in your load_skins.js. Search the Canvas docs for "scrollbar" and see if any of the setters has an effect. floatingScrollbars perhaps? I could not enable the Win11 behavior on Win10, but perhaps you can disable the fancy new scrollbars until this is fixed.

        Best regards


          We automatically hide scrollbars after a delay if we detect that that is what the OS / web browser also does. This is by design, and is generally desirable, as it's weird to have a web app show permanent scrollbars when other pages and apps hide them automatically.

          In the particular environments being tested, do native scrollbars (not part of your SmartClient app) also automatically hide?

          Note that if, for whatever reason, you prefer your scrollbars in your SmartClient app to stay visible even when this conflicts with native behavior, the setting is just Canvas.nativeAutoHideScrollbars:


            Hi Isomorphic,

            the problem with the (in general nice) 13.0p (v13.0p_2023-05-24) Win11 default behaviour is that the scrollbars do not reappear after they where hidden.
            They only show up again on
            • Mouse wheel up/down
            • Pg-Up/Pg-Down
            • Move mouse over scrollbar area
            If you compare this to e.g. MS Teams you will notice that there the scrollbars also reappear if you just move the mouse over the Canvas in question.

            In the same area are following two issues:
            • Edge 113 does show the normal SmartClient-custom scrollbars, different to the floating ones in FF113
            • In FF113, the lower end of the scollbar is quite few pixel away from the actual end of the scrollable area

              Click image for larger version

Name:	Scrollbar end.png
Views:	284
Size:	75.3 KB
ID:	270246
            Best regards


              Hi there,
              Indeed it is the default state, that the scrollbars are being hidden after a time. But at this case the scrollbars doesn't reappear

              The problem persists for us and we can reproduce the problem. Also our customers do have these problems and are reporting this to us.

              Best Regards


                Hi there,
                I'm waiting for any answer to this. Our customers do report this even now.
                Could you give me an update on this issue?

                Thanks and best regards


                  Hi Simon
                  Sorry for the delay on this.

                  Natively there's an inconsistency between the behavior of scrollable regions in Windows 11 Firefox vs Chrome or Edge - in Firefox the scrollbars auto-hide while in the other browsers they do not.

                  SmartClient mimics the Firefox behavior, but currently does so imperfectly as you've noted.
                  The easiest way to get consistent behavior for SmartClient pages on Firefox would be to set the property "nativeAutoHideScrollbars" to false for all canvases by adding this to the top of your application:

                  This should give you a workaround for the immediate term.

                  The auto hide behavior you're seeing, where scrollbars only show up on attempted scroll (via mousewheel or keyboard) matches longstanding default behavior on Mac OS - but of course this isn't going to be intuitive to Windows 11 users, and as such we do not plan to leave this behavior as is in the environment.

                  We are currently discussing the preferred behavior at the framework level. We'll keep this thread updated with any changes.


                  Isomorphic Software


                    We have now made some changes to the nativeAutoHideScrollbars behavior to address the problems in this thread. Specifically:
                    - The scrollbars should now reappear when the mouse moves over the scrollable canvas, matching native behavior in Windows 11
                    - The scrollbars should now be the appropriate height (or width) to span the viewport

                    These changes will be present in the next nightly build dated June 23 or above, in both the 13.0 and 13.1 branches

                    Isomorphic Software


                      Hi Isomorphic,

                      I retested with v13.0p_2023-06-27 and Win11 FF114 4K and it's looking much much better. Scrollbar design is great.
                      Scrollbar reappearing is also much better than before, if you click a widget and keep it active and stay over it, it definitely shows on move.
                      Although it's not 100% Win11 behaviour. I could not find out the exact reason, but for example if you open this sample, it does not show when you are over an event like "Add new Timeline view" and start moving. It only shows, once you are out of the event in the "empty" Timeline area.
                      In Win11 it's "Hover over a widget with scrollbar" -> "Scrollbar" shows, regardless of what is focused or hovered.

                      Best regards

