Hi Isomorphic,
reading about DateRangeItem, RelativeDateString and RelativeDateShortcut I have a question using this modified sample (v12.1p_2023-06-27):
I somehow expected the 2nd DateRangeItem to display the same absolute dates as the 1st DateRangeItem. Is it correct what is displayed?
Best regards
reading about DateRangeItem, RelativeDateString and RelativeDateShortcut I have a question using this modified sample (v12.1p_2023-06-27):
isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "form1", width: 620, colWidths: [190, "*"], fields: [ { name: "dri", title: "Date Range 1", width: 400, editorType: "DateRangeItem", allowRelativeDates: true, fromDate: "-0M[-0M]", toDate: "+0M[-0M]" }, { name: "dri2", title: "Date Range 2", width: 400, editorType: "DateRangeItem", allowRelativeDates: true, fromDate: "$startOfMonth", toDate: "$endOfMonth" } ] });
I somehow expected the 2nd DateRangeItem to display the same absolute dates as the 1st DateRangeItem. Is it correct what is displayed?
Best regards