Hi Isomorphic,
trying your RelativeDateItem.presetOptions feature that you mentioned here I noticed a few bugs in this modified sample (v12.1p_2023-06-27, also v13.0p_2023-07-07):
In the DateRangeItem fromField has problem with all 'End x' selections, toField has problems with all 'Start x' selections. They either don't work at all or select off by one dates.
The same presetOptions work as expected in the RelativeDateItem below.
Best regards
trying your RelativeDateItem.presetOptions feature that you mentioned here I noticed a few bugs in this modified sample (v12.1p_2023-06-27, also v13.0p_2023-07-07):
In the DateRangeItem fromField has problem with all 'End x' selections, toField has problems with all 'Start x' selections. They either don't work at all or select off by one dates.
The same presetOptions work as expected in the RelativeDateItem below.
Best regards
isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "form1", width: 620, colWidths: [190, "*"], fields: [{ name: "static", showTitle: false, value: "DateRangeItem: fromField problem with all 'End x' selections, toField problems with all 'Start x' selections", width: 400, colSpan: 2, editorType: "StaticTextItem" }, { name: "dri", title: "DateRangeItem (not OK)", width: 400, editorType: "DateRangeItem", allowRelativeDates: true, fromFieldProperties: { presetOptions: { "-0Y[-0Y]": "Start of year", "+0Y[-0Y]": "End of year", "-0Q[-0Q]": "Start of quarter", "+0Q[-0Q]": "End of quarter", "-0M[-0M]": "Start of month", "+0M[-0M]": "End of month" } }, toFieldProperties: { presetOptions: { "-0Y[-0Y]": "Start of year", "+0Y[-0Y]": "End of year", "-0Q[-0Q]": "Start of quarter", "+0Q[-0Q]": "End of quarter", "-0M[-0M]": "Start of month", "+0M[-0M]": "End of month" } } }, { name: "rdi", title: "RelativeDateItem (OK)", width: 400, editorType: "RelativeDateItem", presetOptions: { "-0Y[-0Y]": "Start of year", "+0Y[-0Y]": "End of year", "-0Q[-0Q]": "Start of quarter", "+0Q[-0Q]": "End of quarter", "-0M[-0M]": "Start of month", "+0M[-0M]": "End of month" } } ] });