Hi Isomorphic,
I disabled queuing and now it works.
Thank you.
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hi Paul,
The issue appears to be that you have a client-side REST DS and the server is not dealing with queued requests. You can address it by setting disableQueuing on your DataSources.
We assume you aren't using the SmartClient server - but if you are, an alternative might be to use a server-side REST DS.
Isomorphic Support
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Thanks for the report - we see the issue and we have somebody taking a look. We'll update here when we have more information.
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bug in a saved view when a filter condition with a foreign field is part of it
In a saved view where a filter condition in which a foreign field is part of that filter and when this view is declared as "default view" a warning message appears after refreshing the page and the filter selection box does not have any options.
I was not able to generate a demo for the use in your environment
and therefor I had to create a demo on my environment .
The URL is:
saved search demo (virtic24.com)
SmartClient Version: v13.0p_2022-06-14/Pro Deployment
Browser : Microsoft EdgeVersion 115.0.1901.188
Kind regards
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