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    13.1d New sample svgSymbolsNewSample broken on hover and click

    Hi Isomorphic,

    here you mentioned the new sample svgSymbolsNewSample (now SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2023-12-21).
    It works nicely on start, but on hover and click, the symbol square is just filled white, not with e.g. .svgFloridaOutlineOver { stroke: darkorange; stroke-width: 2px; fill: none; }

    Tested with Win10 FF121 and Edge 120.

    Best reagards

    hi Blama,

    This is the result of another recent addition, stateful SVG symbol-id's - the reason the icons disappear is that it's trying to load a different symbol with the extension "_Over", but the sample doesn't have stateful symbol-variants in it's sprite file.

    That feature should not be active in this sample, and we've fixed it for tomorrow's builds. Note that we have a bunch of other improvements in this area and will be adding more samples there shortly.


      Hi Isomorphic,

      thanks for the fast answer. Great, looking forward to it!

      Best regards


        Hi Isomorphic,

        while waiting somewhere I opened that sample in the 2024-01-01 version on my iPhone SE2 (Safari iOS 16.7.2) and the hovers seem to be working again.
        The whole design is broken though, as on this device the SVG icons are way too big for the buttons and rest of the UI (see screenshot).

        Best regards
        Attached Files


          That's pretty strange - a couple of questions:

          1) is it ALL of the icons that are this size? (Presumably, the size is 300 x 150, which is the browser default size for symbols with no specified dimensions)

          2) If you make the following change in your showcase sample, does it fix the icon-sizes? After this:

          imgProps.src = spritePrefix + "#" + id + ";";

          add this:

          imgProps.src += "size:" + imageSize + "," + imageSize + ";";



            Hello, I was also seeing this on desktop with v13.1d_2024-01-01 build, but with v13.1d_2024-01-02 build seems fixed
            Last edited by claudiobosticco; 2 Jan 2024, 07:44.


              Thanks Claudio - we made a change yesterday to make sure that <svg> tags with a child <use> tag (a symbol) always have a known size, either from a "size:w,h;" in the src string, or from the dimensions of the container, because otherwise they'll get the browser default size.

              So this issue should indeed be fixed. Blama, please let us know if you see this addressed with today's build in your environment.


                Hi Isomorphic,

                Still waiting here, 6h later :)
                …all is looking good using 2024-01-02.

                Thank you & Best regards

