The test case is based on this example:
Reproducible with the latest live version and 13.0 Pro in Chrome and FF.
In this example, when the records are being dragged from a ListGrid, everything works. Records are getting accepted as portlets within the PortalLayout.
However, the same operation doesn't work when using the TreeGrid instead of the ListGrid. In case of the TreeGrid, the actual TreeGrid object ends up being included as a portlet, not the record being dragged from it.
The code below is basically a combination of and examples.
Select the "Blue Cube" in the TreeGrid and drag it into any PortalLayout column.
The same behavior is reproducible with ListGrids that contain grouped data. So the grid from this example will get dragged to the portal layout as well:
Thank you.
Reproducible with the latest live version and 13.0 Pro in Chrome and FF.
In this example, when the records are being dragged from a ListGrid, everything works. Records are getting accepted as portlets within the PortalLayout.
However, the same operation doesn't work when using the TreeGrid instead of the ListGrid. In case of the TreeGrid, the actual TreeGrid object ends up being included as a portlet, not the record being dragged from it.
The code below is basically a combination of and examples.
Select the "Blue Cube" in the TreeGrid and drag it into any PortalLayout column.
isc.defineClass("PartsListGrid","ListGrid").addProperties({ cellHeight: 24, imageSize: 16, showEdges: true, border: "0px", bodyStyleName: "normal", alternateRecordStyles: true, showHeader: false, leaveScrollbarGap: false, defaultFields: [ {name: "partSrc", type: "image", width: 24, imageURLPrefix: "pieces/16/"}, {name: "partName"}, {name: "partNum", width: 20} ], trackerImage: {src:"pieces/24/cubes_all.png", width: 24, height: 24} }) isc.PartsListGrid.create({ ID: "myList", data: exampleData, canDragRecordsOut: true, canReorderRecords: true, dragDataAction: "copy" }), isc.PortalLayout.create({ ID: "portalLayout", getDropPortlet : function (dragTarget, colNum, rowNum, rowOffset) { // You can use getDropPortlet to customize what happens when a component is dropped if (dragTarget.isA("PartsListGrid")) { return isc.Portlet.create({ title: "Dragged Records", items: [ isc.PartsListGrid.create({ data: dragTarget.getDragData() }) ] }); } else { // By default, the whole component is wrapped in a Portlet return this.Super("getDropPortlet", arguments); } } }); isc.defineClass("DragPiece", "Img").addProperties({ width: 48, height: 48, padding: 12, layoutAlign: "center", canDragReposition: true, canDrop: true, dragAppearance: "target", appImgDir: "pieces/48/" }) isc.VStack.create({ ID: "myImages", membersMargin: 10, layoutMargin: 10, showEdges: true, members: [ isc.DragPiece.create({src:"pawn_blue.png"}), isc.DragPiece.create({src:"pawn_green.png"}), isc.DragPiece.create({src:"pawn_yellow.png"}) ] }) isc.HLayout.create({ width: "100%", height: "100%", membersMargin: 20, members: [ portalLayout, isc.VLayout.create({ width: 200, membersMargin: 10, members: [ myList, myImages ] }) ] }); //TREE isc.Tree.create({ID:"partsTree1", root:{children:[ {name:"Bin 1", children:[ {name:"Blue Cube", icon:"cube_blue.png"}, {name:"Yellow Cube", icon:"cube_yellow.png"}, {name:"Green Cube", icon:"cube_green.png"} ]}, {name:"Bin 2", children:[ {name:"Blue Piece", icon:"pawn_blue.png"}, {name:"Yellow Piece", icon:"pawn_yellow.png"}, {name:"Green Piece", icon:"pawn_green.png"} ]} ]}}) partsTree1.openAll(); isc.defineClass("PartsTreeGrid","TreeGrid").addProperties({ width:200, height:200, showEdges:true, border:"0px", bodyStyleName:"normal", alternateRecordStyles:true, showHeader:false, leaveScrollbarGap:false, emptyMessage:"Drag & drop parts here", manyItemsImage:"cubes_all.png", appImgDir:"pieces/16/" }) isc.HStack.create({membersMargin:10, height:160, members:[ isc.PartsTreeGrid.create({ ID:"myTree1", data: partsTree1, canReorderRecords: true, canAcceptDroppedRecords: true, canDragRecordsOut: true, dragDataAction: "move" }) ]})
The same behavior is reproducible with ListGrids that contain grouped data. So the grid from this example will get dragged to the portal layout as well:
Thank you.