Because we dynamically add and remove fields to our grids, we ran into a problem with getFormulaFunction. Here is the patch. Simple null check needed on _1 that is passed in...
Because we dynamically add and remove fields to our grids, we ran into a problem with getFormulaFunction. Here is the patch. Simple null check needed on _1 that is passed in...
if (window.isc && (isc.version.indexOf("v8.3")>-1)) { isc.Canvas.getPrototype().addProperties({ getFormulaFunction:function(_1){ //5/9/13 //null check on field if(_1==null || !_1.userFormula)return null; var _2=_1.$65w; if(_2!=null&&_2.$111j==_1.userFormula)return _2; _2=_1.$65w=isc.FormulaBuilder.generateFunction(_1.userFormula,this.getAllFields(),this); _2.$111j=_1.userFormula; var _3=function(_4,_1,_5){return _2(_4,_5)}; _1.sortNormalizer=_3; return _2 } }) }