I have a simple example with certain formatCellValue functions for DVField. The function itself works without problems, but the fact that it is called every time mouse rollover for Tile causes the picture to reload and flicker.
Was that how it was meant to be?
React code
Version SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-03-07 (2024-03-07)
This was not observed in version 12.1
Was that how it was meant to be?
React code
<TileGrid ref={this.documentsList} dataSource="documentsDS" autoFetchData="true" width="100%" height="100%" tileWidth="194" tileHeight="200" detailViewerProperties={{ rowHeight: 22 }} recordClick={this.onDocumentClick.bind(this)} > <fields> <DVField name="picture" imageWidth="120" imageHeight="120" cellStyle="DVField" formatCellValue={this.pictureFormatter.bind(this)} /> <DVField name={CONSTANT.TITLE} /> <DVField name={CONSTANT.URL} escapeHTML="false" formatCellValue={this.urlFormatter.bind(this)} /> <DVField name={CONSTANT.LOCKED_BY} formatCellValue={this.lockedFormatter.bind(this)} /> </fields> </TileGrid>
This was not observed in version 12.1