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    Originally posted by Blama View Post
    Hi wallytax,

    ah, yes. In this case I'd somehow store the site_code in a top-level component and pass it around/have it available in the child ListGrids etc, where you use it as implicitCriteria, perhaps even more declarative with dynamicCriteria (I never tried this myself, but it looks great).
    You could do it even higher up in the chain in DataSource.implicitCriteria. This means separate DataSources client side of course, and I don't know what is easier.
    +1 this sounds as a perfect match for implicitCriteria+dynamicCriteria using the site_code stored in ruleScope.


      I must say that I'm a huge fan of the whole dynamicCriteria/ruleScope subsystem, I just think it deserves more samples in the showcase, and not only in XML format :-)

      If you're just starting with it, be sure to read this to the bottom, where there's been a nice addition about "Troubleshooting RuleScope issues"


        Hi claudiobosticco,

        Thanks for the suggestion! For me this seems like a big risk, because I don't really understand the concept enough and I really need to deliver as soon as possible. Any examples would be highly appreciated, to reconsider using it: it seems like the perfect match for my situation.


          I feel your pain as I've struggled with it at first.
          But rereading your requisite, I see that maybe your site_code isn't actually dynamic, so you just need to use implicitCriteria without valuePath to look for in the rule scope, but just with a value? Or am I missing something?


            Originally posted by claudiobosticco View Post
            I must say that I'm a huge fan of the whole dynamicCriteria/ruleScope subsystem, I just think it deserves more samples in the showcase, and not only in XML format :-)

            If you're just starting with it, be sure to read this to the bottom, where there's been a nice addition about "Troubleshooting RuleScope issues"
            Thanks Claudio! It does need more samples.

            One thing to note is that this system is part of what makes Reify so powerful. You can edit visibleWhen and all other instances of DynamicCriteria using a FilterBuilder to choose whatever criteria you want on the ruleScope.

            Same thing for DynamicProperties. Any property on any component can be set up to have criteria on the ruleScope determine its value dynamically.

            It's pretty crazy what you can build without writing a single line of code!


              I would love to use this, but I'm unsure how difficult this would be.

