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    WARN about search form with SetFilterItem

    Hello, in a grid I've got a searchForm with a SetFilterItem, and in the expansionComponent for its records, I have a grid with the same searchForm and an implicitCriteria.
    I see this warning relative to the grid in the expansionComponent:

    WARN:ExpansionRuoliPermessiGrid:isc_ExpansionRuoliPermessiGrid_1:Observation error caught in ignore(): Method criteriaChanged was being observed on object [FiltraUtentiApplicazioneForm ID:filtraUtentiApplicazioneForm] but the function appears to have been directly overridden. This may lead to unexpected behavior - to avoid seeing this message in the future, ensure the addMethods() or addProperties() API is used to modify methods on live SmartClient instances, rather than simply reassigning the method name to a new function instance.
    am i doing something not allowed?

    Also, sometimes (not really reproducible) the searchForm stops working, ie the grid isn't filtered. May be related?

    Originally posted by claudiobosticco View Post
    Also, sometimes (not really reproducible) the searchForm stops working, ie the grid isn't filtered. May be related?
    actually there's also a problem on the grid in the expansion component, ie sometimes it starts to get filtered only with the implicitCriteria. And if I remove the search form, and instead I use the SetFilterItem criteria in the implicitCriteria, there's the same problem, ie after some check/uncheck in the SetFilterItem, its criteria disappears from the fetch criteria.

    I'm using SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-03-30/Enterprise Deployment. Maybe it's too early to push this far the SetFilterItem?


      SetFilterItem is being used in production apps in major pharma and banks, so, it's definitely not too early to try it out. But it may have some rough edges as it hasn't been seen by as wide a range of developers as our older components. Feedback very appreciated!

      The observation error message is possibly enough to look into on our own. As far as SearchForm + SetFilterItem, would it be possible to show a test case for that?


        Hello, I forgot to update this thread: with more recent builds I don't see the warning from post #1, and I also can't reproduce the problem from post #2

