Hello, in a grid I've got a searchForm with a SetFilterItem, and in the expansionComponent for its records, I have a grid with the same searchForm and an implicitCriteria.
I see this warning relative to the grid in the expansionComponent:
am i doing something not allowed?
Also, sometimes (not really reproducible) the searchForm stops working, ie the grid isn't filtered. May be related?
I see this warning relative to the grid in the expansionComponent:
WARN:ExpansionRuoliPermessiGrid:isc_ExpansionRuoliPermessiGrid_1:Observation error caught in ignore(): Method criteriaChanged was being observed on object [FiltraUtentiApplicazioneForm ID:filtraUtentiApplicazioneForm] but the function appears to have been directly overridden. This may lead to unexpected behavior - to avoid seeing this message in the future, ensure the addMethods() or addProperties() API is used to modify methods on live SmartClient instances, rather than simply reassigning the method name to a new function instance.
Also, sometimes (not really reproducible) the searchForm stops working, ie the grid isn't filtered. May be related?