When using Treegrid, I noticed that 3 errors appear
1. If I select a child node of one of the main nodes and then call refreshData(), then the main node itself and all its child nodes are selected
2. If I filter the tree through FilterBar and call refresh Data(), then after it is executed, the tree filtering is reset and the tree shows all nodes
3. If I use selectionProperty="state" on the tree, a warning appears in the debugger console
and TreeGrid_Body does not respond
I have prepared code for testing where these errors can be reproduced.
File to download in DataSource
1. If I select a child node of one of the main nodes and then call refreshData(), then the main node itself and all its child nodes are selected
2. If I filter the tree through FilterBar and call refresh Data(), then after it is executed, the tree filtering is reset and the tree shows all nodes
3. If I use selectionProperty="state" on the tree, a warning appears in the debugger console
"ISC_Core.js:1432*08:59:19.958:MMV0:WARN:TreeGridBody:multilanguageList_body:row heights not yet available; returning all zeroes"
I have prepared code for testing where these errors can be reproduced.
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { DataSource, DSField, VLayout, Button, TreeGrid, TGField } from 'smartclient-pro/react'; class App extends Component { constructor(param) { super(param); }; transformMultilanguages(dsResponse, dsRequest, data) { this.setupIDs(dsResponse.data, 1); return dsResponse; } setupIDs(records, id, pid) { let $id = id; for (let record of records) { record.parentId = pid; record.id = $id; $id++; let childs = record.properties; if (childs != null && childs.length) { $id = this.setupIDs(childs, $id, $id - 1); } } return $id; } onSelectionUpdated(firstRecord, selectedRecords) { let grid = window.multilanguageList; let tree = grid.data; for (let record of selectedRecords) { record.changed = true; let parents = tree.getParents(record); for (let parent of parents) { parent.changed = true; } } } refreshData() { window.multilanguageList.refreshData(); } render() { return ( <> <DataSource ID="multilanguageDS" clientOnly="true" dataURL="multilanguageStates.txt" transformResponse={this.transformMultilanguages.bind(this)} > <fields> <DSField name="id" type="integer" primaryKey="true" /> <DSField name="parentId" type="integer" foreignKey="id" /> <DSField name="name" type="text" canFilter="true" /> <DSField name="state" type="boolean" /> <DSField name="istate" type="boolean" /> <DSField name="checkedState" type="integer" /> <DSField name="changed" type="boolean" /> <DSField name="properties" type="any" childrenProperty="true" /> </fields> </DataSource> <VLayout membersMargin="5" width="100%" height="100%"> <members> <Button title="refresh data" autoFit="true" showFocused="false" click={this.refreshData.bind(this)} /> <TreeGrid ID="multilanguageList" dataSource="multilanguageDS" autoFetchData="true" loadDataOnDemand="false" keepParentsOnFilter="true" filterOnKeypress="true" width="100%" height="*" canEdit="false" showFilterEditor="true" showHeader="false" showFolderIcons="false" showNodeIcons="false" selectionUpdated={this.onSelectionUpdated.bind(this)} selectionAppearance="checkbox" showSelectedStyle="false" cascadeSelection="true" showPartialSelection="true" > <fields> <TGField name="name" escapeHTML="false" /> </fields> </TreeGrid> </members> </VLayout> </> ); } } export default App; /* selectionProperty="state" */