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    SmartClient Version: v13.1p_2024-12-19/Enterprise Deployment (built 2024-12-19)

    Hello, any news about this issue? I still see the <fmt> tag in the js-translated Tour, with the approach described in post #11


      Hello, aside from the issue with the <fmt> tags, could you please provide your thoughts on this question from post #11:

      Originally posted by claudiobosticco View Post
      Thanks for the suggestion, I actually hadn't thought of that, but it will definitely work. However, does this have any implications on the features, or is it fully equivalent?
      I’m considering switching to the JS version if there aren’t any drawbacks.


        Hi Claudio
        Sorry for the long silence on this. We did some preliminary work here and thought we had things working but clearly that's not what you're finding.
        A proper in-depth investigation has been queued up for a while behind some other priorities. Our dev team anticipates getting into this over the next few work days so should have more information for you soon.


        Isomorphic Software


          We set up a test based on the Showcase Tour sample, We then modified the following line in the productTour.proc.xml file to add the <fmt:message> tag:
          <instructions>Welcome to the SmartClient Showcase!  We'll show you how to use it.  <fmt:message key="instructions1"/></instructions>
          Then we created a file immediately under WEB-INF/classes and defined an "instructions1" property:
          instructions1: Extra instructions in English
          This does work - the <fmt:message> tag is replaced in that Welcome message with "Extra instructions in English". So we think this is fundamentally working. If it is not working for you, please can you provide more information about the exact steps you have taken


            Hello, thanks, I got it working, but I need to specify the bundle in the <fmt:message> tag (while in the datasources I only use <fmt:bundle basename="...). I'll try to understand If I could use the more compact notation I use in the datasources.

            Regarding the JS version, are there any limitations for Tours?
            I ask because with the <fmt> tag I lose the ability to load the Tours dynamically, whereas in JavaScript I could continue doing so.

