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    13.1d New features groupByMaxRecordsExceededMessage and disabledGroupByPrompt feedback

    Hi Isomorphic,

    I noticed and tested groupByMaxRecordsExceededMessage and disabledGroupByPrompt using the testcase from here in this SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-05-23 sample.

    Pretty cool stuff. I have built something like this myself, but of course it's great if one can rely on framework features.

    My use case is a bit different not user-configurable grouping, but fixed grouping by a status field/fields.
    My message (now using Notify instead of isc.say()) is saying something along the lines "Too many records, please filter and then we will group again".
    For this I use a variable I store my wanted grouping in and a DataArrivedHandler, in which I check if the ResultSet is small enough to group again.
    In that handler I either show the field(s) if grouping is not possible or hide it and group by it (showing it as groupRow).

    Perhaps this is another enhancement you can log. The starting idea for this was in this thread in 2015.

    Best regards

    Hi Blama, yep, it's nice :)

    Isomorphic those messages aren't internationalized, yet.


      Hi Isomorphic,

      it seems the messages are internationalized now and the feature is also in 13.0p, pretty cool.

      Best regards
      Last edited by Blama; 7 Jun 2024, 05:32.

