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    New 13.1d feature question: ListGrid.fetchRowCount()

    Hi Isomorphic,

    I noticed the new 13.1d ListGrid.fetchRowCount(). Could you explain what use case this solves and when and where to use it?

    As always, a sample would be nice, but here the use case might be too special to justify one.

    Thank you & Best regards
    Last edited by Blama; 28 May 2024, 03:34.

    This is somewhat related to your concurrent question about getRowRangeDisplay() - these features were put in for a customer with some extremely large tables, where they wanted to use progressiveLoading but also wanted to skip the row count query.

    So basically, this and related APIs are designed to create a row count display that also allows the end user to explicitly request a row count, if they want it.


      Hi Isomorphic,

      thanks, I thought they might be related. So this will mainly be used by the framework feature you mentioned in the other thread?

      Best regards


        It is used by the rowRangeDisplay, yes, but you can use it in other circumstances as well, such as offering a custom UI for grouping in the context of progressiveLoading: imagine a button that confirms with the user that they want to do the (potentially very expensive) query to find out the total number of rows, then group if it's possible.. things like that.

