Hi Isomorphic,
please see this 12.0p only bug (not 12.1p+) in this modified sample (v12.0p_2024-05-21), where the new implicitCriteria (test the three buttons) is not applied and therefore no request is sent. Not important for me, as I'm on 12.1p.
Best regards
please see this 12.0p only bug (not 12.1p+) in this modified sample (v12.0p_2024-05-21), where the new implicitCriteria (test the three buttons) is not applied and therefore no request is sent. Not important for me, as I'm on 12.1p.
Best regards
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "filterGrid", width: 850, height: 500, alternateRecordStyles: true, dataSource: worldDS, autoFetchData: true, groupByField: "continent", groupStartOpen: "all", sortField: "continent", groupByMaxRecords: 190, sortByGroupFirst: "true", implicitCriteria: { _constructor: "AdvancedCriteria", operator: "and", criteria: [{ fieldName: "continent", operator: "inSet", value: ["Africa", "Asia", "Australia/Oceania", "Europe", "North America", "South America"] }] }, fields: [{ name: "countryCode", width: 60 }, { name: "government", }, { name: "continent", }, { name: "capital", }, { name: "independence", width: 100 }, { name: "population", width: 100 }, { name: "gdp", width: 85 }] }); // Implicit criteria Buttons isc.IButton.create({ ID: "europeAsiaBtn", width: 250, title: "inSet: AF/AS/AU/EU/NA/SA (=all)", click: function() { filterGrid.setImplicitCriteria({ _constructor: "AdvancedCriteria", operator: "and", criteria: [{ fieldName: "continent", operator: "inSet", value: ["Africa", "Asia", "Australia/Oceania", "Europe", "North America", "South America"] }] }); } }); isc.IButton.create({ ID: "europeAsiaAusBtn", width: 250, title: "inSet: AS/AU/EU/NA/SA", click: function() { filterGrid.setImplicitCriteria({ _constructor: "AdvancedCriteria", operator: "and", criteria: [{ fieldName: "continent", operator: "inSet", value: ["Asia", "Australia/Oceania", "Europe", "North America", "South America"] }] }); } }); isc.IButton.create({ ID: "allCtnBtn", width: 250, title: "All continents (null criteria)", click: function() { filterGrid.setImplicitCriteria(null); } }); isc.HStack.create({ ID: "criteriaBtnStack", membersMargin: 30, height: 1, members: [ isc.Label.create({ contents: "Implicit Criteria:", height: 1 }), europeAsiaBtn, europeAsiaAusBtn, allCtnBtn ] }); isc.VStack.create({ membersMargin: 30, members: [ criteriaBtnStack, filterGrid ] });