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    skin density visual glitch

    Hello, while testing with different skin densities (including larger than the ones available in the density switcher of the showcase), I observed an issue with the removeField of ListGrids. Specifically, I've noticed that while the <td> element, where the icon is placed, maintains a fixed width, the <div> inside this <td> reduces its width when fonts/controls are larger. Consequently, if the icon is a PNG, it gets clipped after reaching a certain size.

    Also, may I ask if it's actually supported to go bigger than the "spacious" density? Something like fontIncrease=4 and sizeIncrease=15 ? I hope so, at least for the "svg" skins.

    First, yes, you are expected to be able to go beyond "Spacious" density - basically just think of our "density" settings as useful presets. You can, for example, crank up the font size to match "Spacious", while keeping the control sizes more like "Compact"- so long as the fonts actually still fit, of course!

    As far as this particular situation, it sounds like just a bug in how we scale the removeField. Can you point out a combination of skin & settings where you can get this clipping to happen? It seems like you might be able to just provide a Showcase link with URL params for density settings and skin as a repro case.


      yep, you may see the clipping here
      or also with Shiva:


        Thanks Claudio - we've fixed this icon-clipping with large scaled-padding for tomorrow's builds, dated June 16, and later ones.


          Thanks, no new 13.1 build for now, but I already see it's working with the latest 13.0


            and it's also working in 13.1

