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    Keyboard Focus bypasses the component mask

    There's two issues that are affecting our project and are reproducible within the SmartClient showcase.

    Both are related by using the keyboard "tab" key function to move focus to fields that should be disabled or otherwise blocked by the canvas "ComponentMask" functionality.

    1. For a ListGrid with "showFilterEditor" set to true, the fields of the created FilterEditor are able to be tabbed into and modified via the keyboard, even if the parent canvas has "showComponentMask" enabled.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	1.png
Views:	100
Size:	23.1 KB
ID:	272929
    This can be replicated by modifying the JS to include a "showComponentMask" method call on the returned ListGrid object found in the showcase here:
    For example:
    var foo = isc.ListGrid.create({
          showFilterEditor: true,

    2. ListGrids containing visible field types of "link" are able to be selected and opened via tabbing with the keyboard and pressing enter, even if the canvas object has "showComponentMask" enabled. You'll know when and what link item is selected by looking at the browser redirection notification.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	2.png
Views:	57
Size:	37.0 KB
ID:	272930
    This can be replicated by modifying the JS to include a "showComponentMask" method call on the returned ListGrid object found in the showcase here:
    For example:
    var foo = isc.ListGrid.create({
    type: "link"

    Hi Isomorphic.
    I logged the above issue with my previous account. Could you have a look into this issue.


      Noted, we've bumped it up accordingly.


        We have made a change to resolve this issue (in builds 13.0 and above)
        This change is present in builds dated Aug 7 and above.

        Please let us know if you continue to experience this issue.

        Thanks and Regards
        Isomorphic Software


          Thanks. We will take a look.

