Originally posted by claudiobosticco
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But if I add a getTitle to the AdaptiveMenu item it won't be called neither. Here is a test case:
// variable-length name label and button control isc.Label.create({ ID: "nameLabel", width: 1, wrap: false, refreshTitle : function (longName) { var name = longName ? "Alejandro O'Reilly" : "Lucy Lu"; this.setContents("<b>Candidate: " + name + "</b>"); } }); isc.AdaptiveMenu.create({ ID: "adaptiveMenu", defaultLayoutAlign: "center", height:30, items: [ {title: "Contact", click: "isc.say(this.title)", dynamicTitle: function (target, menu, item) { return "dynamic title"; }, getTitle: function (target, menu, item) { return "get title"; } }, {title: "Hire Now", click: "isc.say(this.title)"}, {title: "View Résumé", click: "isc.say(this.title)"}, { title: "Edit", showRollOver: false, embeddedComponent: isc.HStack.create({ snapTo: "TR", height: "100%", width: 190, membersMargin: 3, layoutMarginBottom: 5, defaultLayoutAlign: "center", members: [ isc.IButton.create({title: "Cut", autoFit:true, click: "isc.say(this.title)"}), isc.IButton.create({title: "Copy", autoFit:true, click: "isc.say(this.title)"}), isc.IButton.create({title: "Paste", autoFit:true, click: "isc.say(this.title)"}) ] }), embeddedComponentFields: ["key"] } ], menuProperties: { width: 350 } }); isc.Button.create({ top: 50, refreshTitle : function (longName) { nameLabel.refreshTitle(longName); this.setTitle(longName ? "Shorter Name" : "Longer Name"); }, click : function () { this.longTitle = !this.longTitle; this.refreshTitle(this.longTitle); }, initWidget : function () { this.Super("initWidget", arguments); this.refreshTitle(); } }); // parent Layouts isc.ToolStrip.create({ width: 375, membersMargin: 5, layoutLeftMargin: 10, ID: "toolStrip", showResizeBar: true,height:40, members: [nameLabel, "separator", adaptiveMenu] }); isc.HLayout.create({ height:40, width: "100%", hPolicy: "none", members: [toolStrip] });
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