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  • claudiobosticco
    Hello, I didn't thought of the external keyboard!

    Considering that, I think that two buttons (where Choose must be enabled if there's at least a record shown in the pickList) could be the better option.

    But this means that a change to the pickerNavigationBar is even more necessary:

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  • Isomorphic
    You actually can use keyboard navigation if you have an external Bluetooth (like those folding ones - some are pocket-sized!).

    We don't have a way to detect an external keyboard, so we have to leave that highlight in place.

    On the "Accept" button, what's your suggestion - perhaps in this circumstance, two buttons "Add" and "Choose" that dynamically enable/disable? A single button that changes title on the fly?

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  • about select/comboBox first option already selected on mobile

    Hello, while testing on mobile devices, I noticed that when you open a select/comboBox the first option is already selected, as on desktop, but I don't think that it makes sense on mobile, as you can't change the selection using the keyboard or in other ways.

    Also, with a comboBox with addUnknownValues: true, there's the "Accept" button which could be mistaken for a way to "accept" that first option.

    Do you agree, or am I missing something?