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    showPending when displayed value doesn't fit and with pickList on handset

    Hello, I just noticed in this sample modified with showPending:true, that if the displayed value is clipped it will show the complete value while hovering:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	2024-08-07 11.42.46.jpg
Views:	92
Size:	5.7 KB
ID:	273196

    while if it's not clipped you'll see the hover with the old value:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	2024-08-07 11.43.40.jpg
Views:	71
Size:	4.0 KB
ID:	273198

    also, undefined seems to be the actual js value, so it's not localized.

    Moreover, on touch devices, the hover will appear on the pickList when you tap the comboBox:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	2024-08-07 11.42.16.jpg
Views:	71
Size:	105.8 KB
ID:	273199

    Attached Files

    We've made some changes to this area to address these issues. Please retest with tomorrow's build on August 16.

    Best regards
    Isomorphic Software


      SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-08-21/AllModules Development Only (built 2024-08-21)

      Thanks, I see that are almost all fixed, only I still see, on touch devices, the hover on the pickList, when changing from a previous value (so not the first time), and only if you tap the textBox part of the comboBox (not the picker).


        Hello, apart from the little issue mentioned in post #3, I think the "showPending" feature could be improved on touch devices. Specifically, it might be better if the hover effect didn’t appear over the form item, as it can become annoying. Here’s a screenshot from a physical device (iPhone 8):

        Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_4719.PNG
Views:	87
Size:	241.1 KB
ID:	273393

        it's this (modified) sample:

        with fontIncrease=4&sizeIncrease=15 (increasing the font/size seems to make it to happen more easier)

        var countryMap = {
            "US" : "United States",
            "CH" : "China",
            "JA" : "Japan",
            "IN" : "India",
            "GM" : "Germany",
            "FR" : "France",
            "IT" : "Italy",
            "RS" : "Russia",
            "BR" : "Brazil",
            "CA" : "Canada",
            "MX" : "Mexico",
            "SP" : "Spain"
            ID:"adaptiveForm", showPending:true,
            top: 40, width:"100%",
            numCols:4, maxWidth:400,
            isGroup:true, padding:5,
            wrapHintText: false,
            wrapItemTitles: false,
                {type:"BlurbItem", value:"Picker Icons"},
                {name:"comboBoxItem", editorType:"ComboBoxItem",
                    title:"Combo Box", valueMap:countryMap, hint:"pick a country"
                {name:"dateTimeItem", editorType:"DateTimeItem",useMask: true,
                        hint: "mm/dd/yyyy HH:mm", defaultValue:new Date(),
                        showHintInField: true,
                     useTextField:true, title:"Date Item"
                {name: "colorItem", editorType:"ColorItem",
                    title:"Color Item", hint:"pick car color"
                {name:"Spinner Item", editorType:"SpinnerItem",
                     writeStackedIcons: true, title:"Spinner Item",
                     min:1, max:10, hint:"how many people?"
                {type:"BlurbItem", value:"Custom Icons"},
                // Show custom icons on focus
                {name:"customIcon", editorType:"SelectItem",
                    title:"External Icon",
                        1:"Severity 1",
                        2:"Severity 2",
                        3:"Severity 3"
                    helpText: "<br><b>Severity 1</b> - Critical problem<br>System is unavailable in production or " +
                               "is corrupting data, and the error severely impacts the user's operations." +
                               "<br><br><b>Severity 2</b> - Major problem<br>An important function of the system " +
                               "is not available in production, and the user's operations are restricted." +
                               "<br><br><b>Severity 3</b> - Minor problem<br>Inability to use a function of the " +
                               "system occurs, but it does not seriously affect the user's operations.",
                     icons: [{
                        src: "[SAMPLE]other/help.png",
                        click: "isc.say(item.helpText)"
                {name:"inclineIcons", editorType:"TextItem",
                    title:"Inline Icons",
                    icons: [{
                        name: "view",
                        src: "[SKINIMG]actions/view.png",
                        hspace: 5,
                        inline: true,
                        baseStyle: "roundedTextItemIcon",
                        showRTL: true
                    }, {
                        name: "clear",
                        src: "[SKINIMG]actions/close.png",
                        width: 10,
                        height: 10,
                        inline: true,
                        prompt: "Clear this field",
                        click : function (form, item, icon) {
                    iconWidth: 16,
                    iconHeight: 16
            updateGroupTitle: function () {
                var mode = this.linearMode ? "Linear" : "Normal";
                this.setGroupTitle("Form Item Icons <i>(" + mode + " Mode)</i>");
            draw : function () {
                this.Super("draw", arguments);
            setLinearMode : function () {
                this.Super("setLinearMode", arguments);
            ID: "toggle",
            autoFit: true,
            title: "Toggle Layout Mode",
            click : function () {


          Hi Claudio
          Thanks for the feedback and screenshots. This issue is currently under discussion on our end and we'll take your comments into consideration

          Isomorphic Software


            The issue with the hovers for the text-box showing up over the pickList in fullscreen view (on touch devices) should now be resolved.

            Other than that, our design team is considering whether to make changes more generally around how pending (and other) hovers are handled for touch devices


              Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
              The issue with the hovers for the text-box showing up over the pickList in fullscreen view (on touch devices) should now be resolved.
              I see it's fixed, thank you very much
              Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
              Other than that, our design team is considering whether to make changes more generally around how pending (and other) hovers are handled for touch devices
              thanks for considering it

