SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-08-20/AllModules Development Only (built 2024-08-20)
Safari on iOS on iPhone 8 and iOS simulator on MacOS (doesn't happen on MacOS Safari)
Hello, please try this test case in the showcase sample fetchOperationFS - run it in the fetch.js tab after a page refresh as I wrote here:
then put the focus in the "search for item name" textItem, without typing anything, and then tap the filterEditor to open the DateRangeDialog: instead the Window will close.
It actually seems to happen with every type of filterEditor item, ie also if you use "description" as a field.
Safari on iOS on iPhone 8 and iOS simulator on MacOS (doesn't happen on MacOS Safari)
Hello, please try this test case in the showcase sample fetchOperationFS - run it in the fetch.js tab after a page refresh as I wrote here:
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "dsListGrid", width: "100%", height: "100%", autoFetchData: true, dataSource: "supplyItem", showFilterEditor: true, gridComponents: ["autoChild:extraHandsetFilter", "filterEditor", "header", "body"], showExtraHandsetFilter: true, extraHandsetFilterProperties: { _constructor: "DynamicForm", width: "100%", numCols: 1, colWidths: ["*"], items: [ { name: "filterText", type: "text", width: "*", showTitle: false, hint: "search for item name", showHintInField: true, changed(form, item, value) { } } ] }, fields: [ { name: "nextShipment", width: "*", formatCellValue: function (value, record, rowNum, colNum, grid) { return "<div style='padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px;'>" + (record.nextShipment ? record.nextShipment.toShortDatetime() : new Date().toShortDatetime()) + "<br>" + record.itemName + "</div>"; } } ] }) isc.Window.create({ ID: "aWindow", title: "test case", maximized: true, showCloseButton: true, autoCenter: true, autoSize: true, isModal: true, showModalMask: true, dismissOnOutsideClick: true, items: [dsListGrid] }).show()
It actually seems to happen with every type of filterEditor item, ie also if you use "description" as a field.