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    print Preview Timeline problems

    Browser: Firefox 20.0.1, safari 6.0.1
    Printed timeline does not show body text of the event and when a custom eventWindowStyle is used the background is transparent. Must i use a DataSet without a value in eventWindowStyle? Kind regards
    demo( modified version
    var developers = [
    { name: "charlesMadigen", title: "Charles Madigen" },
    { name: "tamaraKane", title: "Tamara Kane" },
    { name: "darcyFeeney", title: "Darcy Feeney" },
    { name: "kaiKong", title: "Kai Kong" },
    { name: "shellyFewel", title: "Shelly Fewel" },
    { name: "garretMonroe", title: "Garret Monroe" }

    var _calStart = isc.DateUtil.getStartOf(new Date(2012, 6, 5), "W");
    var _calEnd = _calStart.duplicate();
    _calEnd.setDate(_calEnd.getDate() + 20);

    ID: "timeline",
    height: 451,
    startDate: _calStart,
    endDate: _calEnd,
    dataSource: tasks,
    autoFetchData: true,
    lanes: developers,
    headerLevels: [ { unit: "week" }, { unit: "day" } ],
    canResizeTimelineEvents: true,
    canEditLane: true,
    showEventDescriptions: true,
    labelColumnWidth: 120

    title: "Print",
    click : 'isc.Canvas.showPrintPreview(timeline ,null,{printButtonTitle :"Print", title:"Print"})'


    There's no use of eventWindowStyle in your code. Did you forget to include some code or some custom CSS perhaps?


      additional info

      sorry for my late reply--I was on vacation for 3 weeks--
      The demo code is a modified version of your example code:


      I replaced the "databoundTimline.js" with the demo code.
      In this example a css is already used(calendar.css).
      The problem is, that the background is transparent when

      The description is shown in this version.
      thanks paul


        additional info

        Here is a complete example.
        It shows that the description is not printed when the description field is mapped to a datasource field with a different name, in my example it is "beschreibung".
        It shows that the background is transparent for those events with
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2".

        ********** demo CODE *******
        <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Timeline Demo</title>
        <style type="text/css">
        .testStyle {
        font-family:Verdana,Bitstream Vera Sans,sans-serif; font-size: 9px;
        border: 1px solid #004D99;

        .testStyleHeader {
        font-family:Verdana,Bitstream Vera Sans,sans-serif; font-size: 9px;
        color: white;

        .testStyleBody {
        font-family:Verdana,Bitstream Vera Sans,sans-serif; font-size: 9px;
        background-color: #FA8072;
        padding: 3px;

        .testStyleResizer {
        border-top:1px solid white;
        border-bottom: 1px solid white;

        .testStyle2 {
        font-family:Verdana,Bitstream Vera Sans,sans-serif; font-size: 9px;
        border: 1px solid #004D99;

        .testStyle2Header {
        font-family:Verdana,Bitstream Vera Sans,sans-serif; font-size: 9px;
        color: white;

        .testStyle2Body {
        font-family:Verdana,Bitstream Vera Sans,sans-serif; font-size: 9px;
        background-color: #FA8072;
        padding: 3px;

        .testStyle2Resizer {
        border-top:1px solid white;
        border-bottom: 1px solid white;

        <script>var isomorphicDir="/isomorphic/";</script>
        <script src=/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Core.js?version=8.3></script>
        <script src=/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Foundation.js?version=8.3></script>
        <script src=/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Containers.js?version=8.3></script>
        <script src=/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Grids.js?version=8.3></script>
        <script src=/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Forms.js?version=8.3></script>
        <script src=/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_DataBinding.js?version=8.3></script>
        <script src=/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Calendar.js?version=8.3></script>
        <script src=/isomorphic/skins/EnterpriseBlue/load_skin.js?version=8.3></script>
        <script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="/isomorphic/locales/"></script>

        var _today = isc.DateUtil.getStartOf(new Date(2012, 6, 5), "W");

        var _start = _today.getDate() - _today.getDay();
        var _month = _today.getMonth();
        var _year = _today.getFullYear();

        var events = [

        eventId: 1,
        name: "Add new Timeline view",
        beschreibung: "Add a new calendar Timeline component",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 2),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 8), "D"),
        lane: "darcyFeeney"
        eventId: 2,
        name: "ListGrid field autoSize",
        beschreibung: "Complex field-autosizing in ListGrid",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start),
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start), "D"),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        lane: "kaiKong"
        eventId: 3,
        name: "PDF Import/Export",
        beschreibung: "Implement native PDF import/export",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 1),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 6), "D"),
        lane: "garretMonroe"
        eventId: 4,
        name: "Calculated Fields",
        beschreibung: "Formula and Summary fields for ListGrid",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 4), "D"),
        lane: "charlesMadigen"
        eventId: 5,
        name: "ListGrid cell-level selection",
        beschreibung: "Implement spreadsheet-like selection in ListGrid",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 7),
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 14), "D"),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        lane: "charlesMadigen"
        eventId: 6,
        name: "Text import",
        beschreibung: "Server text-import",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 16),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 20), "D"),
        lane: "charlesMadigen"
        eventId: 7,
        name: "TabIndex enhancements",
        beschreibung: "Enhance formItem tabindex handling",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 9),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 11), "D"),
        lane: "kaiKong"
        eventId: 8,
        name: "Visual Builder skin",
        beschreibung: "Skinning changes",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 3), "D"),
        lane: "shellyFewel"
        eventId: 9,
        name: "DataSource Transaction-handling",
        beschreibung: "New transaction features",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 2), "D"),
        lane: "tamaraKane"
        eventId: 10,
        name: "New Samples",
        beschreibung: "Add 20 samples for the following new features: ...",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 4),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 20), "D"),
        lane: "tamaraKane"
        eventId: 11,
        name: "Localization",
        beschreibung: "Extend i18n support",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 9),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 14), "D"),
        lane: "darcyFeeney"
        eventId: 12,
        name: "New Language Packs",
        beschreibung: "Add these 4 new language packs: ...",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 16),
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 18), "D"),
        lane: "darcyFeeney"
        eventId: 13,
        name: "ComponentXML",
        beschreibung: "Add the following features and update documentation: ...",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 5),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 11), "D"),
        lane: "shellyFewel"
        eventId: 14,
        name: "TileGrid",
        beschreibung: "Change styling on builtin tiles as follows: ...",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 14),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 19), "D"),
        lane: "shellyFewel"
        eventId: 15,
        name: "Dev Meeting",
        beschreibung: "Weekly dev meeting",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 1),
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 1), "D"),
        lane: "charlesMadigen",
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle",
        canEdit: false
        eventId: 16,
        name: "Dev Meeting",
        beschreibung: "Weekly dev meeting",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 8),
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 8), "D"),
        lane: "charlesMadigen",
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle",
        canEdit: false
        eventId: 17,
        name: "Dev Meeting",
        beschreibung: "Weekly dev meeting",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 15),
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 15), "D"),
        lane: "charlesMadigen",
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle",
        canEdit: false
        eventId: 18,
        name: "Oracle enhancements",
        beschreibung: "Add the following 11g-specific enhancements: ...",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 7),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 9), "D"),
        lane: "garretMonroe"
        eventId: 19,
        name: "Client export",
        beschreibung: "Excel export alterations",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 11),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 14), "D"),
        lane: "garretMonroe"
        eventId: 20,
        name: "Record Components",
        beschreibung: "New ListGrid recordComponent modes: ...",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 16),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 20), "D"),
        lane: "garretMonroe"
        eventId: 21,
        name: "SQLDataSource",
        beschreibung: "Enhancements to customSQL support",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 2),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 4), "D"),
        lane: "kaiKong"
        eventId: 22,
        name: "includeFrom",
        beschreibung: "Update support via includeFrom",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 6),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 8), "D"),
        lane: "kaiKong"
        eventId: 23,
        name: "FileItem",
        beschreibung: "Add milti-file upload support",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 14),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 16), "D"),
        lane: "kaiKong"
        eventId: 24,
        name: "Doc viewer",
        beschreibung: "Enhance documentation viewer with these additional syntax-hilites: ...",
        startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 18),
        eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
        endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 19), "D"),
        lane: "kaiKong"


        var developers = [
        { name: "charlesMadigen", title: "Charles Madigen" },
        { name: "tamaraKane", title: "Tamara Kane" },
        { name: "darcyFeeney", title: "Darcy Feeney" },
        { name: "kaiKong", title: "Kai Kong" },
        { name: "shellyFewel", title: "Shelly Fewel" },
        { name: "garretMonroe", title: "Garret Monroe" }

        var _calStart = isc.DateUtil.getStartOf(new Date(2012, 6, 5), "W");
        var _calEnd = _calStart.duplicate();
        _calEnd.setDate(_calEnd.getDate() + 20);

        ID: "timeline",
        autoDraw: false,
        height: 451,
        startDate: _calStart,
        endDate: _calEnd,
        data: events,
        lanes: developers,
        descriptionField: "beschreibung",
        headerLevels: [ { unit: "week" }, { unit: "day" } ],
        canResizeTimelineEvents: true,
        canEditLane: true,
        showEventDescriptions: true,
        labelColumnWidth: 120
        title: "Print",
        click : 'isc.Canvas.showPrintPreview(timeline ,null,{printButtonTitle :"Print", title:"Print"})'




          The description issue is fixed for tomorrow's build - we see the print-styling issue and will look at that separately, no current ETA for a fix


            works only when laneHeight = 60 and default headerWidth

            Thanks for the fix. I tried it in my production environment where laneHeight differs and is not the default of 60. In those cases it the print result is not perfect.
            Thanks Paul
            demo with differnt laneHeight
            in my production it seems that if headerWidth != default its even more confusing result
            <!DOCTYPE html>
            <title>Timeline Demo</title>
            <style type="text/css">
            .testStyle {
            font-family:Verdana,Bitstream Vera Sans,sans-serif; font-size: 9px;
            border: 1px solid #004D99;

            .testStyleHeader {
            font-family:Verdana,Bitstream Vera Sans,sans-serif; font-size: 9px;
            color: white;

            .testStyleBody {
            font-family:Verdana,Bitstream Vera Sans,sans-serif; font-size: 9px;
            background-color: #FA8072;
            padding: 3px;

            .testStyleResizer {
            border-top:1px solid white;
            border-bottom: 1px solid white;

            .testStyle2 {
            font-family:Verdana,Bitstream Vera Sans,sans-serif; font-size: 9px;
            border: 1px solid #004D99;

            .testStyle2Header {
            font-family:Verdana,Bitstream Vera Sans,sans-serif; font-size: 9px;
            color: white;

            .testStyle2Body {
            font-family:Verdana,Bitstream Vera Sans,sans-serif; font-size: 9px;
            background-color: #FA8072;
            padding: 3px;

            .testStyle2Resizer {
            border-top:1px solid white;
            border-bottom: 1px solid white;

            <script>var isomorphicDir="/isomorphic83pf/";</script>
            <script src=/isomorphic83pf/system/modules/ISC_Core.js?version=8.3></script>
            <script src=/isomorphic83pf/system/modules/ISC_Foundation.js?version=8.3></script>
            <script src=/isomorphic83pf/system/modules/ISC_Containers.js?version=8.3></script>
            <script src=/isomorphic83pf/system/modules/ISC_Grids.js?version=8.3></script>
            <script src=/isomorphic83pf/system/modules/ISC_Forms.js?version=8.3></script>
            <script src=/isomorphic83pf/system/modules/ISC_DataBinding.js?version=8.3></script>
            <script src=/isomorphic83pf/system/modules/ISC_Calendar.js?version=8.3></script>
            <script src=/isomorphic83pf/skins/EnterpriseBlue/load_skin.js?version=8.3></script>
            <script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="/isomorphic83pf/locales/"></script>

            var _today = isc.DateUtil.getStartOf(new Date(2012, 6, 5), "W");

            var _start = _today.getDate() - _today.getDay();
            var _month = _today.getMonth();
            var _year = _today.getFullYear();

            var events = [

            eventId: 1,
            name: "Add new Timeline view",
            beschreibung: "Add a new calendar Timeline component",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 2),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 8), "D"),
            lane: "darcyFeeney"
            eventId: 2,
            name: "ListGrid field autoSize",
            beschreibung: "Complex field-autosizing in ListGrid",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start),
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start), "D"),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            lane: "kaiKong"
            eventId: 3,
            name: "PDF Import/Export",
            beschreibung: "Implement native PDF import/export",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 1),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 6), "D"),
            lane: "garretMonroe"
            eventId: 4,
            name: "Calculated Fields",
            beschreibung: "Formula and Summary fields for ListGrid",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 4), "D"),
            lane: "charlesMadigen"
            eventId: 5,
            name: "ListGrid cell-level selection",
            beschreibung: "Implement spreadsheet-like selection in ListGrid",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 7),
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 14), "D"),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            lane: "charlesMadigen"
            eventId: 6,
            name: "Text import",
            beschreibung: "Server text-import",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 16),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 20), "D"),
            lane: "charlesMadigen"
            eventId: 7,
            name: "TabIndex enhancements",
            beschreibung: "Enhance formItem tabindex handling",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 9),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 11), "D"),
            lane: "kaiKong"
            eventId: 8,
            name: "Visual Builder skin",
            beschreibung: "Skinning changes",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 3), "D"),
            lane: "shellyFewel"
            eventId: 9,
            name: "DataSource Transaction-handling",
            beschreibung: "New transaction features",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 2), "D"),
            lane: "tamaraKane"
            eventId: 10,
            name: "New Samples",
            beschreibung: "Add 20 samples for the following new features: ...",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 4),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 20), "D"),
            lane: "tamaraKane"
            eventId: 11,
            name: "Localization",
            beschreibung: "Extend i18n support",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 9),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 14), "D"),
            lane: "darcyFeeney"
            eventId: 12,
            name: "New Language Packs",
            beschreibung: "Add these 4 new language packs: ...",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 16),
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 18), "D"),
            lane: "darcyFeeney"
            eventId: 13,
            name: "ComponentXML",
            beschreibung: "Add the following features and update documentation: ...",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 5),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 11), "D"),
            lane: "shellyFewel"
            eventId: 14,
            name: "TileGrid",
            beschreibung: "Change styling on builtin tiles as follows: ...",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 14),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 19), "D"),
            lane: "shellyFewel"
            eventId: 15,
            name: "Dev Meeting",
            beschreibung: "Weekly dev meeting",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 1),
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 1), "D"),
            lane: "charlesMadigen",
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle",
            canEdit: false
            eventId: 16,
            name: "Dev Meeting",
            beschreibung: "Weekly dev meeting",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 8),
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 8), "D"),
            lane: "charlesMadigen",
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle",
            canEdit: false
            eventId: 17,
            name: "Dev Meeting",
            beschreibung: "Weekly dev meeting",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 15),
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 15), "D"),
            lane: "charlesMadigen",
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle",
            canEdit: false
            eventId: 18,
            name: "Oracle enhancements",
            beschreibung: "Add the following 11g-specific enhancements: ...",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 7),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 9), "D"),
            lane: "garretMonroe"
            eventId: 19,
            name: "Client export",
            beschreibung: "Excel export alterations",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 11),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 14), "D"),
            lane: "garretMonroe"
            eventId: 20,
            name: "Record Components",
            beschreibung: "New ListGrid recordComponent modes: ...",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 16),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 20), "D"),
            lane: "garretMonroe"
            eventId: 21,
            name: "SQLDataSource",
            beschreibung: "Enhancements to customSQL support",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 2),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 4), "D"),
            lane: "kaiKong"
            eventId: 22,
            name: "includeFrom",
            beschreibung: "Update support via includeFrom",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 6),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 8), "D"),
            lane: "kaiKong"
            eventId: 23,
            name: "FileItem",
            beschreibung: "Add milti-file upload support",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 14),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 16), "D"),
            lane: "kaiKong"
            eventId: 24,
            name: "Doc viewer",
            beschreibung: "Enhance documentation viewer with these additional syntax-hilites: ...",
            startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start + 18),
            eventWindowStyle: "testStyle2",
            endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 19), "D"),
            lane: "kaiKong"


            var developers = [
            { name: "charlesMadigen", title: "Charles Madigen", height:80 },
            { name: "tamaraKane", title: "Tamara Kane", height:80 },
            { name: "darcyFeeney", title: "Darcy Feeney", height:80 },
            { name: "kaiKong", title: "Kai Kong", height:80 },
            { name: "shellyFewel", title: "Shelly Fewel" , height:80},
            { name: "garretMonroe", title: "Garret Monroe" , height:80}

            var _calStart = isc.DateUtil.getStartOf(new Date(2012, 6, 5), "W");
            var _calEnd = _calStart.duplicate();
            _calEnd.setDate(_calEnd.getDate() + 20);

            ID: "timeline",
            autoDraw: false,
            height: 451,
            startDate: _calStart,
            endDate: _calEnd,
            data: events,
            lanes: developers,
            descriptionField: "beschreibung",
            headerLevels: [ { unit: "week" }, { unit: "day", headerWidth:120 } ],
            canResizeTimelineEvents: true,
            canEditLane: true,
            showEventDescriptions: true,
            labelColumnWidth: 120
            title: "Print",
            click : 'isc.Canvas.showPrintPreview(timeline ,null,{printButtonTitle :"Print", title:"Print"})'




              Timeline Print Preview

              Version : v8.3p_2013-07-30/Pro
              for me it doesn't work. This time when I tried the demo it seems to be a little bit better, but it is still confusing. The time bars are not in the correct position.
              Please see my attached files. they show the difference in my application.
              Kind regards
              Attached Files

