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    Wow. We were trying to give you a chance to admit to being difficult to help, and create some goodwill, but instead you've doubled down.

    You've again raised autoFetchData vs just calling fetchData(). This is an exceedingly trivial code change, not even worth raising a single time, but you've raised it perhaps 4 times now.

    And you're still talking about how you can't use dataChanged and dataArrived, even though you obviously can if the custom property is simply stored on the component, instead of (or in addition to) the DSResponse.

    This is something like the 5th thread with you where we've had this problem.

    So, we're done. It just doesn't make sense to invest so much of the limited community forums time we have in helping someone who is easily 10-100x more difficult to help than other developers. Please do not expect further responses on this or other threads.

    Hourly Support plans are available, and perhaps purchasing the smallest denomination of that plan would help you to focus your questions and better utilize free resources (the docs, ChatGPT).

    Again, make sure to make good use of ChatGPT. We use it constantly and it is extremely useful if your questions are specific and well-phrased. If your questions are vague and lack critical context, you will get responses that are not as useful. The same thing happens with humans, but ChatGPT will talk to you all day until you finally narrow in on the problem. However, we cannot: our time is finite, and we have to prioritize.

