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    Timezone issues


    We’re running into a few issues with handling timezones in the Smartclient JS version and need some help with the following:
    1. We'd like to customize date formatting in ListGrids. For example, one column should display dates as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" and another as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM".
    2. All dates in ListGrids should be displayed in UTC without timezones.
    3. The date filters in ListGrids should work with UTC time(we select/type UTC time and want to see UTC time selected).
    4. It should be possible to manually type input dates in the ListGrids date filters in the "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" format.
    Could somebody help us with this?

    P.S. Besides listgrids, dates should work normally with timezones.


    You need to look at:

    1. dataSourceField.format: this allows you to declare whatever date format you want, on a per-field basis

    2. Time.setDefaultDisplayTimezone(): this allows you to force all timezone display to UTC, regardless of the user's locale

