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    13.1d Saved Search Column-Contextmenu has too many options

    Hi Isomorphic,

    clicking around here (SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-09-06) I noticed that the columns in the "Saved Views"-list have options that don't make sense.
    Grouping by name or description should not result in anything meaningful and Advanced filtering shows columns you definitely don't want to show like "pk".
    IMHO no menu is needed here at all, because also hiding a column is not a useful thing to do.

    Best regards

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Saved Search Column-Contextmenu.PNG
Views:	49
Size:	37.0 KB
ID:	273545

    All grids have these features, and we don't generally want to expend the extra effort to turn off those features, because, if they are not useful then they will not be used.

    The alternative is that we do force them off, and then, in some advanced situation that is hard to anticipate, an end user is frustrated because they are not there.


      Hi Isomorphic,

      you are already disabling a lot of non-useful functions here, as the default ListGrid has about 10 entries in the Context Menu.
      These two also really don't make sense. If anything, being able to click-sort the columns might be the one thing that would help here.

      This with technical column names clearly isn't a great UI.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	SavedSearch.png
Views:	91
Size:	63.9 KB
ID:	273570

      Best regards

