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    12.1/13.0/13.1 ListGrid headerAutoFit doubleClick also sorts

    Hi Isomorphic,

    playing with this sample (SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-09-06) and adding
    autoFitWidthApproach: "both"
    headerAutoFitEvent: "doubleClick" (just to be sure)

    I noticed that the gird always also sorts when I double click.

    The docs mention this only for headerAutoFitEvent:"click", so I assume this behavior is not wanted.

    Also happens in 12.1/13.0 ListGrids.

    Best regards

    It's always tricky when a single click and a double click cause different results (sort and autoFit-without-sort in this case): in order to avoid triggering the single click behavior if there is a double-click, our software would have to wait until the double click delay expires. That's typically 300-500ms.

    But then, humans only perceive a reaction as "immediate" if the results happen within 100ms. This is a bedrock HCI principle.

    So if single- and double-click do totally different things, and a double click should not trigger the single click action, then the single click action necessarily "feels slow", and this is a human behavior, not something we can fix with software.

    For this reason, from a UE perspective, you want the double-click behavior to be the same as the single-click behavior plus something more. Then that single-click response can be immediate, and if the end user clicks a second time, you also do the double-click behavior. An everyday example is that single-click selects and then double-click selects but also takes some additional action (like starting editing).

    So, the framework does allow you to define clashing behaviors for click and doubleClick - we can't in general detect that you have done so, since you can write your own event handlers!

    But if you really want to violate UE principles, you've got to implement it manually: turn off the framework's support for the single-click behavior, set a timer when click occurs to wait for the double-click delay, and then perform the single-click action only if a double-click has not occurred.

    Just to emphasize again: that's bad UE. We're just explaining how to implement it if, for whatever reason, project requirements are forcing you to implement bad UE (it happens!).


      Hi Isomorphic,

      OK, no problem. To be honest I never noticed this as a problem myself. It is just that the headerAutoFitEvent docs make it sound like the current behavior is a bug, which I wanted to point out.
      Note that if sorting is enabled for the field and the headerAutoFitEvent is "click", both sorting and autofit occur on a click.
      Perhaps revise or remove the sentence or put the advice from #2 on how to avoid both actions in the docs.

      Best regards

