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    Offline always returns string values

    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-09-15/AllModules Development Only (built 2024-09-15)
    SmartClient Version: v13.0p_2024-09-14/AllModules Development Only (built 2024-09-14)

    Hello, I just noticed that, after storing a number or boolean value with Offline api, when retrieving those values they became strings. Is it expected?

    You may try with this test case:

    isc.Offline.put("aNumber", 5);
    isc.Offline.put("aBoolean", true);
    let aNumber = isc.Offline.get("aNumber");
    let aBoolean = isc.Offline.get("aBoolean");
    isc.say("aNumber is a Number? " + isc.isA.Number(aNumber) + "<br>or is a String? " + isc.isA.String(aNumber)
        + "<br>aBoolean is a Boolean? " + isc.isA.Boolean(aBoolean))

    Yes, all localStorage is effectively String storage, so you need to have a mechanism of retaining type if type is important. Typically, this is done by encoding to JSON or XML.

    If you use our JSONEncoder, it can also round-trip Dates and keep the distinction between a date, datetime or time value.


      thanks for the clarification, it's not actually a problem, it's just that the doc says "only primitive values - Strings, numbers and booleans - can be stored", so at first I thought that for those the type would be retained. Maybe a note could be beneficial.


        Yes, a clarifying note is already being added to the documentation, as it does sound as if the type would be round-tripped, whereas what it actually meant was that you can't directly store an Object without serializing it.


          As of tomorrow, the docs are updated with some clarifications, if you want to take a look. Thanks for pointing this out!


            Now there is no risk of misunderstanding in the documentation, thanks!

