I am using SmartClient Version: v8.3p_2013-04-23/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2013-04-23)
My browser is Firefox version 11.
I am trying to read records from a Currency table but I only want to return the records where the field SERVICE is equal to "CREST" and the field TIME_DELETED is NULL.
My DS.XML file looks as shown below. All returned records have their SERVICE fields set to "CREST", which is correct; however, my problem is that the 'TIME_DELETED is null' criteria is ignored and some of the records returned have their TIME_DELETED field set to a valid datetime (i.e. not null). What am I doing wrong?
My browser is Firefox version 11.
I am trying to read records from a Currency table but I only want to return the records where the field SERVICE is equal to "CREST" and the field TIME_DELETED is NULL.
My DS.XML file looks as shown below. All returned records have their SERVICE fields set to "CREST", which is correct; however, my problem is that the 'TIME_DELETED is null' criteria is ignored and some of the records returned have their TIME_DELETED field set to a valid datetime (i.e. not null). What am I doing wrong?
<DataSource ID="currency" serverType="sql" tableName="CURRENCY" > <fields> <field name="OID" title="OID" type="integer" primaryKey="true" required="true" hidden="true" /> <field name="SERVICE" title="Service" length="10" type="text" /> <field name="CCY_CODE" title="Currency" type="text" length="3" /> <field name="DESCRIPTION" title="Description" type="text" length="20" detail="true" /> <field name="TIME_DELETED" title="Time Deleted" type="datetime" detail="true" /> </fields> <operationBindings> <operationBinding operationType="fetch"> <criteria fieldName="SERVICE" value="CREST" /> <criteria fieldName="TIME_DELETED" operation="isNull" /> </operationBinding> </operationBindings> </DataSource>