Hi isomorphic,
I have a SelectItem with multiple rows. I noticed that a row is removed after sorting by the DisplayField and some updateData call.
Code levels used:
SmartClient Version: "v12.1p_2023-10-21/Pro Deployment"
Here is the code and steps to reproduce it:
1. Expand the SelectItem.

2. Sort by Name.

3. Select option "xyz".
4. Click the "update_xyz" button. >>> this will update the "xyz" option to "xyz - updated"
5. Expand the SelectItem.

6. Sort by Name.

7. Select option "abc".
8. Click the "update_abc" button. >>> this will update the abc option to "abc - updated"
9. Expand the SelectItem.

There are duplicate "--NONE--"options and the "xyz - updated" option is removed from the list.
I have a SelectItem with multiple rows. I noticed that a row is removed after sorting by the DisplayField and some updateData call.
Code levels used:
SmartClient Version: "v12.1p_2023-10-21/Pro Deployment"
Here is the code and steps to reproduce it:
public class Sandbox1 implements EntryPoint { private static final String ID = "id"; private static final String VISIBILITY = "visibility"; private static final String NAME = "name"; private static final String ABC_ID = "abc_id"; private static final String LMN_ID = "lmn_id"; private static final String XYZ_ID = "xyz_id"; private static final String ABC_NANE = "abc"; private static final String LMN_NANE = "lmn"; private static final String XYZ_NANE = "xyz"; private static final String ABC_UPDATED_NANE = "abc - updated"; private static final String LMN_UPDATED_NANE = "lmn - updated"; private static final String XYZ_UPDATED_NANE = "xyz - updated"; private ListGridRecord[] cacheData = new ListGridRecord[3]; private DataSource dataSource; private SelectItem selectList; @Override public void onModuleLoad() { int i = 0; cacheData[i] = new ListGridRecord(); cacheData[i].setAttribute(ID, ABC_ID); cacheData[i].setAttribute(NAME, ABC_NANE); cacheData[i].setAttribute(VISIBILITY, "Me"); i++; cacheData[i] = new ListGridRecord(); cacheData[i].setAttribute(ID, LMN_ID); cacheData[i].setAttribute(NAME, LMN_NANE); cacheData[i].setAttribute(VISIBILITY, "Group"); i++; cacheData[i] = new ListGridRecord(); cacheData[i].setAttribute(ID, XYZ_ID); cacheData[i].setAttribute(NAME, XYZ_NANE); cacheData[i].setAttribute(VISIBILITY, "Everyone"); final VLayout appLayout = new VLayout(); appLayout.setWidth100(); appLayout.setHeight100(); createDataSource(); createSelectList(); loadData(); CheckboxItem updateAbc = new CheckboxItem("update_abc"); updateAbc.addChangedHandler(event -> { ListGridRecord r = new ListGridRecord(); r.setAttribute(ID, ABC_ID); r.setAttribute(NAME, ABC_UPDATED_NANE); r.setAttribute(VISIBILITY, "Me"); dataSource.updateData(r); }); CheckboxItem updateLmn = new CheckboxItem("update_lmn"); updateLmn.addChangedHandler(event -> { ListGridRecord r = new ListGridRecord(); r.setAttribute(ID, LMN_ID); r.setAttribute(NAME, LMN_UPDATED_NANE); r.setAttribute(VISIBILITY, "Group"); dataSource.updateData(r); }); CheckboxItem updateXyz = new CheckboxItem("update_xyz"); updateXyz.addChangedHandler(event -> { ListGridRecord r = new ListGridRecord(); r.setAttribute(ID, XYZ_ID); r.setAttribute(NAME, XYZ_UPDATED_NANE); r.setAttribute(VISIBILITY, "Everyone"); dataSource.updateData(r); }); appLayout.setMargin(5); appLayout.setMembersMargin(5); DynamicForm form = new DynamicForm(); form.setItems(selectList, updateAbc, updateLmn, updateXyz); appLayout.addMembers(form); appLayout.draw(); } private void createDataSource() { dataSource = new DataSource(); DataSourceField filterIdField = new DataSourceField(ID, FieldType.TEXT, "ID"); filterIdField.setPrimaryKey(true); DataSourceField filterNameField = new DataSourceField(NAME, FieldType.TEXT, "Name"); DataSourceField visibilityField = new DataSourceField(VISIBILITY, FieldType.TEXT, "Visible To"); dataSource.setFields(filterIdField, filterNameField, visibilityField); dataSource.setClientOnly(true); } private void createSelectList() { selectList = new SelectItem("test"); selectList.setWidth(300); selectList.setAllowEmptyValue(Boolean.TRUE); selectList.setEmptyDisplayValue("-- NONE --"); selectList.setEscapeHTML(Boolean.TRUE); selectList.setOptionDataSource(dataSource); selectList.setTitle("Test"); selectList.setCachePickListResults(Boolean.FALSE); ListGridField filterNameField = new ListGridField(NAME); filterNameField.setShowHover(Boolean.TRUE); ListGridField visibilityField = new ListGridField(VISIBILITY); selectList.setPickListFields(filterNameField, visibilityField); ListGrid pickListProperties = new ListGrid(); pickListProperties.setCanGroupBy(Boolean.FALSE); selectList.setPickListProperties(pickListProperties); selectList.setValueField(ID); selectList.setDisplayField(NAME); selectList.setSortField(NAME); selectList.setPrompt("Select Filter to use"); selectList.setShowTitle(Boolean.FALSE); selectList.setWrapTitle(Boolean.FALSE); } public void loadData() { dataSource.setCacheData(cacheData); } }
1. Expand the SelectItem.
2. Sort by Name.
3. Select option "xyz".
4. Click the "update_xyz" button. >>> this will update the "xyz" option to "xyz - updated"
5. Expand the SelectItem.
6. Sort by Name.
7. Select option "abc".
8. Click the "update_abc" button. >>> this will update the abc option to "abc - updated"
9. Expand the SelectItem.
There are duplicate "--NONE--"options and the "xyz - updated" option is removed from the list.