Hello, is it expected behaviour that a TabSet with a Tab pane (which is a DynamicForm with explicit width and height) does not resize to contain the form, even when using paneContainerOverflow: "visible"?
Here’s an example:
I may just be missing something obvious, but if this is the expected behaviour, I’d like to know if there’s a recommended best practice to achieve this without manually setting the size on the TabSet.
My specific use case involves embedding the TabSet inside a Window with autoSize: true.
Here’s an example:
isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "fooForm", border:"1px solid red", width:500, height:400, fields: [{ name: "foo", title: "foo bar", type: "text" }] }); isc.TabSet.create({ ID: "tabSet", paneContainerOverflow:"visible", tabs: [{ id: "foo", title: "foo bar", pane: fooForm }] });
My specific use case involves embedding the TabSet inside a Window with autoSize: true.