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    8.3p data binding regression


    There seems to be a regression in 8.3p (06/05/2013) in regards to data binding for fields that contain a
    period ('.') in their names.

    For example, we have many data source fields with names such as 'employee.code' , '', etc.

    Whenever we set values in those fields and have those sent to a fetch() operation, they get ignored. Same
    problem applies when actually fetching data. All fields with a '.' in their names don't get loaded on the screen.

    Typically, we've seen this in the past where you guys did not use the object['name'] pattern but instead used
    the pattern which doesn't produce the same results.

    All of this used to work with 8.2p. We did have that issue back in 6.5 but you guys had fixed back then. Could
    you please look into this.


    Field names must be valid identifiers, so a dot is not allowed.

    This has actually always been the case, (and always potentially broke functionality), it's just more obvious now.

    If you have dynamically generated field names, you just need to translate special characters such as dot to "_" or another valid identifier character.


      We've always had '.' in our field names (it's standard XML) and that worked
      flawlessly in 8.2p. You guys even made a fix in a previous version for a similar
      situation (, so I'm
      somewhat confused here ...

      For us to change all our field names from '.' to '_' is major and no easy task (also unplanned).

      What was changed in 8.3p that broke this ?



        So again, it was actually always broken. It may not have been as obviously broken as it is now.

        Sorry about the upheaval in your codebase, but this there is nothing we can "revert" - it has always been required that field names are valid identifiers.

