I am using smartgwt 2.5 PRO and smartclient 8.1
with GWT 2.4 Browser FF: 12.0
In my application I am creating a external HTML File to show a Map. Now I am setting this .HTML file in HTMLPane. I have a SAVE Button on HTML MapInfoWindow (using <INPUT>).
Now my requirement is when user clicks on the SAVE Button I need to get the lat/lng from the Map and pass these to my client side Java Method in order to geocode the address and set the values in the Window Fields.
I am using JSNI in order to call JavaMethod from my External HTML File onclick even of SAVE Button.
ClientSide Java File Presenter.java
Now my JSNI Method works perfects returns me the correct lat/lng means I get the SC.say("inside callme !! ");. But after that the simple GWT code to send criteria on ServerSide does not get executed. I think it only allows JS code to run.
I dont know where I am wrong. Any Help will be greatly appreciated
I am using smartgwt 2.5 PRO and smartclient 8.1
with GWT 2.4 Browser FF: 12.0
In my application I am creating a external HTML File to show a Map. Now I am setting this .HTML file in HTMLPane. I have a SAVE Button on HTML MapInfoWindow (using <INPUT>).
Now my requirement is when user clicks on the SAVE Button I need to get the lat/lng from the Map and pass these to my client side Java Method in order to geocode the address and set the values in the Window Fields.
I am using JSNI in order to call JavaMethod from my External HTML File onclick even of SAVE Button.
<input type="button" value="Save" onclick="clickedSaveButton(ll.getLatitude(),ll.getLongitude())"> function clickedSaveButton(lat, lng) { getMyLatLng(lat, lng); alert(lat); map.dispose(); }
public static native void exportCallToGetLatLng() /*-{ $wnd.getMyLatLng = $entry(function(lat,lng) { alert('first '+lng); @in.systemintegration.client.presenter.LoadPresenter::callToGetLatLng(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)(lat,lng); }); }-*/; public static void callToGetLatLng(String lat, String lng) { String currentLat = lat; String currentLng = lng; SC.say("JAVA Variable Values :: "+currentLat+" ************* "+currentLng); callme(currentLat,currentLng); } public static void callme(String currentLat,String currentLng) { SC.say("inside callme !! "); Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.setAttribute("currentLat",currentLat); criteria.setAttribute("currentLng",currentLng); criteria.setAttribute("isLocationMap","true"); DataSource loadDMI = DataSource.get(LOAD_DMI); loadDMI.fetchData(criteria, new DSCallback() { @Override public void execute(DSResponse response, Object rawData, DSRequest request) { String prop=response.getAttributeAsString("done"); if(prop.equals("true")) { SC.say("Got a CallBackResponse From LOADSDAO !!! "); } } }); }
I dont know where I am wrong. Any Help will be greatly appreciated